2.7K 101 5

"Diego Ferrari," Karla states for the millionth time today. "You have a date with Diego-motherfucking-Ferrari."

"I doubt he's going to show up," I tell her. "He was probably just trying to get me off his back."

"Please," she scoffs. "You don't just give someone 10k and then stand them up."

"I don't know. It just doesn't seem realistic. Shit like this doesn't happen to normal people."

"The Ferrari's aren't normal people. They're scooping you up into their fantasy land."

"Today does feel like a movie, to be honest. It's like I woke up in an alternate dimension."

"One where you're rich and dating the hottest guy in the country?"

"I thought you liked Roman better?" I tease.

"Well, Romans not the one asking out my best friend, is he?"

"Fair point," I laugh. I grate the last bit of the carrot and add the pieces into the bowl, ready for the kitchen staff to use on their dishes. "I think that's everything, right?"

"Yep," Karla nods. We've spent the past two hours preparing the kitchen for the dinner service, and I think we're more than ready. I glance over at the clock. 16:58. Perfect.

The two of us head into the staffroom together, removing our aprons straight away. I toss mine into my locker and grab my bag, double-checking if my wallet is still in there. I cashed the cheque during my lunch break. It was such a small piece of paper, it would've been easy to lose. But not anymore.

I have ten grand in my bank account right now. Ten whole grand!! Part of me doesn't even want to touch it. I want to keep it in my savings, not just for emergencies, but because it's never been this high before. And it's not like I haven't been trying to get it up. I've been working since I was 12. I just never had the opportunity to save. There have always been too many bills to pay.

"Do you have any spare clothes with you?" Karla asks.

"Nope. I haven't even showered today," I turn to look in the mirror in my locker. My hair is a little greasy, but it's not too bad. I take it out of its ponytail and spray it with some of Karla's dry shampoo. I massage it in, brush it out, and already a lot better. "You're a lifesaver right now."

"This is why you should bring a makeup bag with you everywhere you go," she tells me. Thankfully, I have taken her advice to a degree. I carry a tube of concealer and lip balm in my purse. It's not much, but I don't have the time to do my makeup properly. I'd like to wear a bit more, but as long as I don't touch my face, my skin stays pretty clear.

"Alright, how do I look?" I throw my concealer back in my bag, quickly scanning my face. My eyes are hidden under my thick brows and it's only worsened by the crow's feet that appear when I smile. If it weren't for my thick lips, I'd look far too masculine. They're my best feature.

"Honestly pretty good for a 5-minute makeover."

"Are you sure?"

There's no way Diego doesn't date girls a thousand times prettier than me. I'm not bad looking, but I only put about 25% of effort into my appearance, and I'm nothing compared to all the models he's been spotted with throughout the years.

This isn't a serious date for him. It just can't be.

"Absolutely," Karla nods. "Now let's get going."

God, I don't know if I can do this.

We make our way out of the staffroom and through the restaurant. Once we step outside, I resist the urge to look around. Instead, I turn to Karla.

"Make sure Hayley eats her vegetables, okay? We have broccoli in the fridge so you can cook that if you want," I say.

"Don't worry about us. The girls and I will be fine. You just focus on your date, okay? Make sure to have fun."

"I'll try."

"Good," she pulls me in for a tight hug, giving me just the reassurance I need. As soon as we separate, she turns around and walks away, heading to the subway without looking back.

I finally find the courage to scan my surroundings, glancing along the footpath for my date. I don't have to look far, though. He's standing just a few feet away from me, leaning against a streetlight with the wind blowing in his face, pushing his shirt out of shape. He takes a few steps towards me. I greet him in the most basic way I possibly could.


"Hi to you too," he smiles. His eyes flicker over my body for just a brief second — so quickly I wouldn't have noticed it I wasn't so self-conscious.

"I would've gotten changed but I don't have any clothes here."

"That's cool. I didn't get changed either."

But he's already nearly dressed.

"I'm surprised you showed up," I admit. "I didn't think you were being serious."

"Of course I was. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know. I figured you were just messing with me."

"I'm not that much of an asshole," he laughs. "Do you have anywhere you'd like to go for dinner?"

"Not really. I haven't really thought about it." I was a little focused on the 10k sitting in my bank account.

"I have an idea."

"Yeah?" Hopefully, it's not too expensive. I know he just gave me thousands of dollars, but that's probably nothing to him. He must make more than that in a day. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful and I do want to thank him, but I'd rather not do it over a two hundred dollar dinner when I could have used that money to pay off some loans.

"It's just up the road, but it shouldn't be more than a two-minute walk. Is that cool?"

"Sure," I nod. "Lead the way."

"Great," he nods his head to the side, motioning for me to follow. "How was the rest of your day?"

"It was fine. It wasn't too busy today."

"How did things go with your boss?"

"He put me on kitchen duty as soon as he could."

"What does that mean? No tips?"

"Nah, but that's okay. I'm more worried about getting my shifts cut."

"Would he do that?"

"Oh, for sure." He's obviously never worked in hospitality. "I'm surprised he didn't fire me on the spot."

"He'd be stupid to do that. We'd never eat there again."

"Really? You'd give up your go-to lunch spot?"

"In a heartbeat."

"I don't believe that. You eat there all the time."

"Only because it's close," he shrugs. "And there are plenty of other places close by."

"I guess so," I nod. "How was your day?"

"Pretty good. I finished most of my work in the morning, so I just took it easy the rest of the day."

"What exactly is it that you do?"

"I run the security department for my family's business, so I make sure all our companies and properties are secure with cameras, safety equipment, security guards... all that kind of stuff."

"That sounds serious." I have no idea what else to say.

"It's more fun than it sounds," he chuckles. We come to a halt on the corner of Madison Avenue and one of its side streets. I look around, searching for some kind of restaurant. But there's only one here.

"McDonald's?" I raise my brows sceptically. "That's where we're eating?"

"Yeah," he smiles cheekily. "I love it here."

"You're kidding, right?"

"Not at all. They make the best burgers in all of New York," Sarcasm drips from his every word. I can't help but laugh. Maybe this won't be so bad. 

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