She's Finally Ours

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                Phil rolls over in bed and opens his eyes. He reaches, hanging precariously off of the bed, for his phone on the bedside table. He manages to get the phone and the upper portion of his body back into the bed. He looks towards the other side to see Dan's face, sleeping peacefully still. He lets out a deep breath and starts to scroll through some of his social media.

                After a few minutes of messing around on his phone, Phil finally decides to get out of bed. He walks down the hall into the kitchen to start some coffee. He hasn't yet decided if he wants cereal yet, or what cereal he wanted. This was a pretty big decision for Phil this early in the morning.

                The coffee pot began sputtering and making coffee and Dan finally emerged from the bedroom. "I was waiting to see how much longer I could go before waking you." Phil says from the lounge. "Funny." Dan says dryly as he pours himself a cup of the freshly brewed coffee.

                Dan takes a seat next to Phil, curling up beside him. "Good morning sleepy head." Phil kisses Dan on the forehead and turns back to his computer. He was excitedly writing out a tweet about their big day.

                "Do you think we're ready?" Phil asks a few minutes later. "Yes Phil I think we are. We are both well trained adults, we both love children, we're going to be kick ass dads." Dan says.

                 "Okay, we can do this!" Phil says excitedly. Dan cringes a bit at Phil's level of volume. "Sorry baby." Phil kisses him.

                The men shower and dress and get everything together that they will need in their final step of adoption. After months of paperwork and interviews they were going to be taking home a little girl named Lucy. She's 6 months old with dark brown hair and green eyes. Her mother was young when she was born and put her up for adoption. Dan and Phil met her once and she seemed very nice. Only about 15 years old so it kind of seemed almost responsible to do it this way.

                The adoption center was within walking distance. Dan and Phil walked hand in hand while pushing an empty stroller down the sidewalk. "We must look like some kind of creeps pushing an empty stroller down the street." Dan says. Phil laughs. 

                "Yes, give me your children." Phil says creepily. Dan gives him a look. "Sorry, too far." Phil chuckles. Dan giggles a bit and squeezes Phil's hand tighter.

                The men sat in the waiting room. It was painted bright yellow which Dan hated. "It's like the sun threw up in here." He would say gaining a small chuckle or smile from Phil who was trying to be a serious adult. 

                "I swear to god we're not painting our future child's room yellow." Dan said the first time they came here. "But it's gender neutral." Phil said. "So are a lot of other colors." Dan replied. End of conversation. Good thing they knew they were getting a girl.

                "Dan and Phil?" the receptionist calls out. They sit in the office of their agent Karen Schmidt. Her office was brown with a few splashes of pink. Mostly from her office supplies.

                "Today's the day!" She says excitedly from the other side of the desk. "We are very excited." Phil says smiling. "I see you two even brought your stroller. That was very wise. You wouldn't believe the amount of couples that come in here and then walk out carrying their little baby out and about across the city! But what are you going to do?" Dan chuckles.

                  "Do we have the final sets of signatures?" She asks. Phil nods and slides the manila folder across the desk. Karen opens it and quickly examines the papers. "Everything seems to be in order, let me call Susan at the nursery and we'll bring her down."

                A few moments later a short and stout woman with graying blond hair walks in the door holding a bundle in her arms. "Here she is!" She says quietly. She hands Lucy to Dan and he looks down at her. 

              "Hello there." He says awkwardly. She looks up at him with wide eyes. Phil peers in and watches her playing with her fingers. "It's like she's just learning what they are." He chuckles. "She is," Susan says. "Babies at this age are just now learning about everything and how it works." Dan nods and smiles.

                "Well we better get her home." Phil says looking down at Lucy in his arms. She was fighting off sleep, but her eyelids fell so heavy. Dan nods and stands up to gather the stroller. Phil takes the blanket off of her making her whimper.

                  "Oh I'm sorry sweetheart." He hands Dan the blanket and snuggles her close. Finally he sets her in the stroller and they buckle her in. Dan bundles her up in the blanket. 

                      "You two were a pleasure," Karen shakes moth of their hands. "Please if you need anything don't be afraid to call." They both nod and thank her.

 Author's Note:

 Hey guys! It is the return of Kim, the maker of unfinished fics! I REALLY wanna try and finish this one! I've been really into the thought of Dan and Phil having a little girl, or just a child in general and ahhh it's so cute! This story is probably going to be really cute and fluffy. I don't know how I'm going to name the chapters or how I'm going to split them up with Lucy's age because I want this to be a longer story, but I also don't want it to drag on. We'll see what happens! Until then enjoy! :) 

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