Running Errands

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                Dan strapped Lucy into the stroller and Phil grabbed the diaper bag. They were ready for a day out. It had finally got nicer out and they all needed to get out of the house.

                They boys managed to get the stroller down the steps and out the door without a hitch. The sun shone bright and Lucy looked all around. They both admit that she doesn’t get out enough. She squealed at all the birds they saw and even some squirrels.

                “Be careful Lucy, one may attack you!” Dan says sarcastically. “I’m telling you it was evil!” Phil says from behind the stroller.

                The trio makes a pit stop in Starbucks for a changing and some drinks to go. Phil orders while Dan takes Lucy to the restroom to change her diaper.

                He, as quickly as possible, puts down the changing station and lays her down on it. Dan absolutely hated changing. He just didn’t like any aspect of it. But in his opinion, who really liked changing a diaper? Lucy giggled as he changed her. “You enjoy this too much.” Dan says to her as he tosses the diaper in the trash. He redresses her and puts her back in the stroller.

                Phil meets him with two coffees and a cookie for Lucy. “Oh boy sugar.” Dan says sarcastically. “It’s fine,” Phil says handing her a half of it. “Besides its only half and she’ll only eat like a bite or two.” Dan rolls his eyes and smiles.

                They had a few errands to run while they were out. Dan needed some new jeans, which was always a challenge with his height. Phil needed to buy some new socks and he decided that they need more coffee mugs.

                “I still don’t think we need any more mugs.” Dan says maneuvering the stroller around a display of decorative plates. “You broke the hello kitty one the other day,” Phil says. “Rest in peace.” Dan says putting his hand on his chest and looking up. Phil chuckles. “And all of our other ones are getting worn out.” “But we don’t need a whole new set.” Dan says watching Phil as he picks up a set of blue ones. “Whatever.” Phil says putting one down. He runs ahead, leaving Dan and the baby. “Your father’s a little crazy sometimes,” Dan says to Lucy. “But that’s why I love him.” Dan smiles and looks around to find where Phil had scampered off too.

                “Dan! Come on we have to get this one!” Phil holds up a mug. Dan takes it from him and examines it. It’s pink with white lettering that says “Lucy”. “But what if our daughter grows up to be a total tom boy, which I’m totally okay with, and hates pink.” Dan says handing him the mug. “Then we’ll have it as a memory of this moment when we had this argument,” Phil says looking at the sticker on the bottom. “It’s only 4 pounds!” He sticks out his lip like a child. “Okay, first of all we are not having an argument…” Dan looks at his lip and loses his train of thought. He sighs. “Okay, we can get the mug.” Phil smiles and kisses him. “That puppy dog lip, works every time.” Phil whispers to Lucy.

                After the china shop, they found themselves at Top Man for clothes. Phil took Lucy to the socks while Dan shopped for some jeans.

                Phil strangely liked sock shopping. He found it exciting to look at all the different patterns. He held up two pairs of socks for a professional opinion.

                “Okay, so I really like these blue ones with the whales on them because I like whales. But, the ones with the cats really like speak to me you know? What do you think?” Lucy stares at them. “You’re so much help,” Phil says looking at the socks again. She giggles. “It’s a good thing you’re cute.” He kisses her on the forehead. “I’m just going to get both.” He decides.

                He takes the long way around the store to the pants section. “I’m sorry to bother, but she is the cutest thing ever.” An older woman says peering into the stroller. “Oh well thank you.” Phil says smiling. “Is her mother anywhere around? I bet she is a beautiful woman.” Phil found it odd that this woman was asking where the mother was. Even if he wasn’t gay it would be weird. “Um actually she’s adopted; my boyfriend and I adopted her about a year ago. He’s in the pants section.” Phil says. The woman’s smile disappears from her face and turns to disgust. “Well okay.” She walks away. “How rude, don’t listen to people like that Lucy.” Phil says walking on away from the woman.

                They meet Dan in the pants section. Dan holds two pairs of black jeans. “How’d you do?” Phil asks. “Okay, they fit my legs fine, but they’re a little big in the butt. I’ll probably have to get a belt.” Phil smiles. “Or you don’t.” Dan playfully hits him. “Phil, not around the children.” Phil laughs and then proceeds to tell Dan the story of the woman as they walk towards the check out.

                “She can mind her own dang business.” Dan says. “That’s what I wanted to tell her, but you know how terrible I am at talking to strangers.” Phil replies. “Yes I remember the train incident.” Dan says walking forward in line. “I could’ve swore she was pregnant!”

                They check out and walk to a small café for lunch. As Dan and Phil ate their sandwiches, Lucy started to doze off into her small pb and j pieces. “Looks like someone’s ready for a nap.” Dan says. Phil pulls out his phone and snaps a picture for instagram. Since they adopted her, Dan and Phil have turned into the whole “Instagram my cute kid” stereotype and had no shame.

                Since they had finished their necessary errands and got to walk around a bit more after lunch they decided to make their way home. Evening was upon them and the, now very cranky, Lucy was ready to go home for some dinner, a bath, and bed.

                They got back to the flat and unpacked everything. Phil took the tags off of his jeans and Phil’s socks while Dan made stir fry for the two of them. Lucy walked around the kitchen looking up at Dan making food and grabbing anything she could to make it more difficult for him to look. “Lucy no, not the seasoning!” Dan grabbed it from her hands making her go into a fit of crying. Dan took a deep sigh and grabbed a banana off of the counter and quickly cut it up. “Phil! Can you give this too her?!” Dan called. Phil comes into the kitchen and Dan hands him the bowl of bananas. Phil picks up Lucy, still screeching, and takes her into the living room so Dan can finish up dinner.

                After dinner, they decided to give Lucy her bath in the morning. Dan dressed her and he and Phil stand above her crib talking to her. “Goodnight my little monkey.” Phil says kissing her on the forehead. “See you in the morning.” Dan smiles and does the same. She looks up at them with heavy eye lids. Phil turns on the baby monitor and shuts the door behind them. “We did it, we were good parents today.” Dan says high fiving Phil. “Being a good parent is tiring.” Phil says with a yawn.

                Dan and Phil end up on the couch watching a movie all snuggled up. “Today was fun.” Phil says. “It was, we really need to do that more often. For all of us.” Dan says. Phil snuggles his head deep into Dan’s chest and Dan kisses his head.

Author's Note:

OMG ITS A LONG ONE. I really like this one, i actuall put some effort into this one! 

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