The 1st Birthday

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                “Are you sure we have everything?” Dan asks Phil as he takes a look around the room. “Cake, balloons, streamers, drinks, favors, I think so,” Phil says taking a look for himself. “Everything will be fine, besides it’s only her first birthday, she won’t even remember it.” “But I will.” Dan says putting a hand on his chest defensively. “Okay, okay, it is a big deal, let’s just take a moment to relax before people start showing up.”

                Dan and Phil sit on the couch watching Lucy play with some blocks on the floor. She picks up a block and squeals triumphantly. “That’s right you got the block!” Dan says smiling at her.

                The doorbell rings and Dan stands up grabbing Lucy from the floor. “Let’s see who’s here shall we birthday girl.” Dan opens the door to find Louise, Matt, and Darcy standing with a rather large pink present in hand.

                “Hello there little one!” Louise says kissing Lucy on the cheek. She hides herself in Dan’s chest. “Sweetheart, it’s auntie Louise you know her!” Dan says chuckling. “Little bashful I see.” Louise says stepping in. Matt follows with Darcy in his arms.

                “Phil!” Darcy yells jumping down out of Matt’s arms and running towards Phil. “Hello how are you?!” Phil says as he picks her up and spins her. “Good!” She says suddenly preoccupied with the other toys on the floor. The adults leave those two to play while they chat and wait for the rest of the guests.

                By the time it was time to officially start the party, the flat was packed with people. They had Alfie and Zoe, Felix and Marzia, Carrie, Tanya and Jim, Chris and PJ, and of course Dan and Phil’s parents.

                Phil set Lucy in her high chair as Dan lit the candle in her cake and dimmed the lights. The room erupted into “happy birthday.” Lucy’s eyes never left the flame on the cake as Dan set it down in front of her. The singing stopped and she looked around. “Blow Lucy, like this.” Phil says gently blowing on her face. Lucy turns towards him blowing, mostly spit, onto his face. “Not on me!” Phil says wiping off his face. A few people chuckled and awed.

                Lucy finally got the hang of it and managed to blow out the candle and then looked up at Dan and Phil. “Go ahead, dig in!” Dan says from behind his iPhone camera. She then proceeds to go, face first, into her cake. “That’s my girl!” Phil says chuckling. She comes up for air with pink frosting all over her face and a big grin. Dan quickly snaps a picture. “I think that’s enough.” He picks up the cake and Phil starts cleaning off her face.

                Soon after the adults ate it was time for gifts. Lucy was not having it. “Someone’s tired.” Phil says with Lucy on his lap. She grumpily tore open the gifts slowly. “Look it’s a new doll, it’s from Felix and Marzia.” Phil says handing her the present. She looks at it for a moment and then throws it on the floor. “We’re sorry, she’s just really tired.” Dan says on the other side of Phil with another gift in his hand. “It’s okay, she’ll like it more when she’s ready.” Felix says with a smile.

                After the gifts, the party was over. Before anyone had left Lucy passed out on Phil’s laugh. “Aww she’s precious.” Zoe says smiling. “The party was great, talk to you later.” Chris says as he and PJ leave together.

                Phil puts Lucy down in her bedroom and looks over at Dan. “We did it.” Dan puts his arm around Phil. “Yes we did,” He pauses for a second. “Holy crap we have a 1 year old.” Phil puts his hand on Dan’s knee and sighs. “Yes we do.” 

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