Beauty and Her Beasts

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Dan and Phil strolled through the party store hopelessly. Halloween was in a week and they had no idea what anyone was going to be. Well, Lucy wanted to be a princess, but they couldn’t find any costumes that met the toddler’s standards.

                “Ooh how about this?” Phil asks holding up a werewolf mask. Lucy sinks down into the seat of the cart covering her eyes with her hands. “Too scary.” She whimpers. Dan gives Phil a look as he tries to console her before a meltdown. Phil puts the mask down. “See Lucy it’s just daddy.” Dan says pointing towards Phil.

                Lucy opens her eyes and smiles at Phil. “Okay good.” She says. They make their way down the children’s aisle and Lucy points out. “That one that one!” She says pointing at a yellow princess dress, resembling Belle from beauty and the beast. Dan picks it up and holds it up to her. “This one? Do you want to be Belle?” She nods and grabs the costume, hugging it. “Aw, Belle it is.” Phil says smiling.

                On their way back over towards the adult section Dan stops and turns to Phil. “I got it,” He says pointing. “We can dress up as princes and we can be her ‘beasts’ without looking all scary.” Phil nods. “That sounds perfect! Lucy do you want daddy and I to dress up at your princes to take you trick or treating?” Phil asks. “Yes daddy!” Lucy exclaims.

                At the end of their trip they left the store with: One Belle dress, a matching tiara, white gloves, yellow pretend dress shoes, two ‘prince costumes’ (Dan and Phil would of course make changes to make each costume unique), and two crowns.

                Halloween was upon them. Dan stood in the bathroom in front of Lucy, who he had sat on the counter to fix her hair. “I don’t know how I’m going to do this.” Dan says watching a tutorial on YouTube. “You can do it daddy.” Lucy says looking up at Dan. Dan smiles and starts grabbing sections of hair.

                Lucy had long, curly brown hair that reached about three quarters of the way down her back. They didn’t cut it short as many moms and friends advised because they liked it and the challenge of styling it. Lucy didn’t complain either.

                Finally Dan managed to get Lucy’s hair up like Belle’s and got the crown to stay on with bobby pins. Dan never imagined him standing in the bathroom fixing his daughter’s hair. He loved it

                “You look beautiful princess.” Dan says to Lucy. She smiles and blows a kiss at Dan. “Let’s go get your dress on shall we?” He asks shooing her out of the bathroom.

                Lucy runs down the hall, stopping at Phil’s feet to show off her hair. “Daddy look at my hair!” She says excitedly. “It looks beautiful, even prettier than the real Belle.” Phil whispers. Lucy giggles and continues on to her room.

                Phil stood in his pants and undershirt. He had a matching red vest and a few other things that he refused to show Dan until he was finished getting ready. “You look good too.” Dan says walking up towards him. “Oh just wait.” Phil smiles. Dan kisses him quickly before running down to Lucy’s room to get her ready.


                Lucy was finally ready and couldn’t stop twirling around. “You’re gonna get dizzy that way.” Phil giggles as she wobbles towards him. Phil finally finished his costume.

                He wore black pants and a white dress shirt with a red vest and a black tie. He finished off the look with a little P on his pocket. It wasn’t much, but he was pressed for time.

                Dan steps out wearing the same thing, but with a blue vest. He also holds a small scepter. “Dan,” Phil says chuckling. “Is that our wooden spoon with some stickers on it?” Dan holds it up. “Maybe, but tonight it is my scepter!” He holds it up. Phil chuckles and hands him his crown. “Shall we go?” Dan asks putting his arm out. Phil nods and links his.

                They walked around the complex where there were many children trick or treating. Dan and Phil chased Lucy up and down the hall from door to door. Everyone loved their costumes, and Dan’s scepter. When trick or treat was over, Dan and his scepter had to carry Lucy home because she was just so tuckered out.

                “Do you want to go through your candy Luc’?” Dan asks once they had settled down at the flat. She shook her head tiredly. “Well we can just go and get ready for bed then, leave it for tomorrow.” Phil says walking over and taking her hand. “Maybe we can have some for breakfast.” Phil whispers. Dan scoffs and shakes his head.

                After putting Lucy to bed, the dads changed into their pajamas and sorted through her candy. “People really went all out this year,” Dan says putting another full sized candy bar on the counter next to him. “I know, I kind of feel bad for not at least putting a bowl of candy out.” Phil says with a sucker in his mouth.

                “It’s okay, we don’t usually have many takers anyways I don’t think people actually realize we leave our house.” Dan says chuckling. Phil laughs and grabs his pile. He throws it in the candy drawer and looks at Dan. “I’m going to bed.”

                He kisses Dan. “Have fun stealing our daughter’s Halloween candy!” Phil says yawning. “Hey she could choke, I’m being a good parent!” Dan says popping a piece of candy in his mouth. “Whatever.” Phil calls. “I hope you have nightmares!” Dan says laughing.

Author’s Note: Yes, I am fully aware that we just had Easter IRL but I really wanted to do a Halloween chapter and I mean Dan and Phil did get married on the 19th of October so it chronologically would make some sense right? I don’t know it’s late…

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