Chapter 2 : Mr. Golden boy

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"Saturday is my favourite day" I sang preparing breakfast "When you are a spy, you finally get to rest, the HQ will deal with the pest. That's why I love Saturday!"

"Excuse me but do you always sing in the morning". Zack asked.

" Duh" I said. "Zack tonight I have a mission, so that means no inviting anyone, leaving the house and ordering anything."

"What mission do you have?" Zack asked.

"Let me show you something follow me " I smirked.

And he followed me to the living room I sat near my coffee table and tilted the pot plant, then the screen appeared.

"What do you want to show me?" Zack asked.

"Be patient" I said putting on a map of the town. "Finally, you see the museum on the map?"

"Yep" Zack said.

"You see if I zoom in there is a diamond right?".

"Uh huh"

"Someone is going to steal it,the museums that they stole from are in order and have the same time and date, but in this situation I need to be cautious because it might be a trap" I stated.

"If it's a trap then why would you go?"

"Well a spy takes risks, and also its connected with The assassin well The assassins" I stated.

"Wait there's more then one?"

"Yep a whole gang called The Xterminaters". I put the pot plant back in place closing the screens " that's why you shouldn't trust anyone" i finished.

"But what if they catch me?"

"Well that means I've gotta teach you how to use a gun" I smirked.

"Ok- wait what!?"

"Just kidding, but I will if you want" I said standing up.

"I've never killed anything or anyone in my life".

"Not even a cockeroach?" I raised one of my eyebrows.

"Nope not even an ant" Zack stated.

"Well do you at least know how to fight?".

" Kinda" Zack shrugged.

"That will do" I sighed "so gun or knife?"


"Mk" I shrugged "Well if you need me I'll be in the training room".

" Can I go with"

"OK follow me"

We went down the hall and went into the fourth door on the left. And opened the door then there was a room filled with weights, yoga mats, a punching bag, a boxing ring, a healthy smoothie bar for when you are dehydrated and a TV.

"Woah this is cool" Zack said looking all over the room.

"I know right" I smirked. "welcome to my personal gym I'll teach you how to fight."

"Yay" Zack said sarcastically. "Quick question?"


"Where you always a spy?

I sighed "Yep almost my whole life ".

"What about school?".

"I stopped".

"And you didn't get in trouble "

"Nope, my parents were the  ones who let me not attend school anymore".

The Tomboy Spy : The assassins richesWhere stories live. Discover now