Chapter 3: lying butt

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Recap: There seems to be a female leader of the Xterminaters and Zack got in to a fight with a gangster. .

And that's what you missed on TTS!

I looked at Zack that looked uneased.

"What do I do?" Zack asked.

"Na uh" I said putting my hands up in defense "don't involve me you got yourself into it now you are getting out of it".

"Please" he begged.

I looked at the guy and looked back at Zack and sighed.

"There are two options, it's either you do it or run" I said.

"I'm gonna run" Zack said.

And I saw Zack run and leave the place, I pinched the bridge of my nose "idiot" I mumbled.

"Your friend is chicken" my uncle said.

"Yep, I guess I'll be going" I sighed.

"Bye Tay and good luck" my uncle smiled.

"Bye" I waved.

I left the range and the cool air from the alley hit my face and I went to my car where Zack was inside sitting or hiding.

"Another rule, don't take challenges you know you can't do" I said, as I entered the car.

"Maybe you should duck tape my mouth" Zack said.

"Ok" I shrug I looked around the car and found duck tape.

"What are you doing?" Zack asked.

I didn't answer and I pulled a bit of duck tape and lucky I was able to put it on his mouth.

And I heard mumbles that I couldn't understand what he said.

"Let's go" I smiled.


Next Day

Zack's POV

I wake up and look at my phone I have a thousand or more messages.

Jordan: Yo dude there is a party tonight are you coming?

Me: Sorry can't I have plans

Jordan: aw man :( you'll be missing out on the fun

Me:I know, I'll talk to you later.

Jordan: k.

I sighed. I wonder his long until all of this ends. Because I am not doing well lying.

Taylor's POV.

I took a jog around my street and came back. And luckily my watch has a ghost effect so if people see me I disappear making them think there is a ghost.

I go back to my room and get ready I wear an over sized shirt with a dragon on it and put on baggy jeans, put my hair in a ponytail and wear my baseball cap.


I go to my living room and I made sure my security is on point. "Zack are you done yet?" I call out.

"Yep" I heard Zack call out as he came to where I was.

"Ya ready?" I asked getting my keys.

"Always ready" Zack answered

"Hey you stole me line" I smiled hitting his arm.


We arrived at the amusement park. I saw a rollercoaster, an egg spinner, whack-a-mole, a lot of food stalls and a lot of people.

"Zack, make sure not to get in trouble and have fun" I said.

"I will trust me" Zack said.

And we parted ways first I went to the rollercoaster and then I went to other rides I can't describe.


I met up again with Zack to go and eat. And as we where walking I didn't look where I was going and I bumped into someone, and I quickly took a step back and I looked at the person. Please don't tell it's who I think it is.

"Taylor Roy" The guy said.

"Hayden" I sighed looking at him.

"I haven't seen you in along time" Hayden smiled.

"And I wanted to keep it that way" i mumbled.

Ok so Hayden Nicolas was my best friend and you guessed it also a spy he was my first ever partner and one day on a mission he legit bailed out on me and I take down the villain he gets credit and guess what I did. No I didn't cry. I took he's shampoo bottle and put glue in and after we never saw each other.

"Why so grumpy Tay" Hayden said.

"Don't call me that" I growled at him.

"Why" Hayden said acting all innocent.

"Because I don't know you anymore" I lied.

"Well let's catch up" Hayden said grabbing my hand.

I was able to release my hand from his grip "No I don't go with strangers" I said.

"How about you come see me at out special place" Hayden winked.

I sighed "okay when?"

"At 2:00 straight"

"I'll be a few mins late" I said.

"Well see you there" Hayden winked.

"Great now I bump into that idiot" I threw my hand in the air "Zack, I guess we should go".

" Wait my brain is still processing what happened " Zack said.

I grabbed his arm and took him to the car.


I arrive at the place and it's a forest and in the forest there is a waterfall. Long story short me and that idiot Hayden used to hang out here.

"You made it" Hayden said smiling.

"I would rather die then see you" I said bluntly.

I sit on the grass near a tree and sighed.

"What do you want from me" I said.

"Well it's been along time we haven't talked in forever" Hayden  said.

"Okay so how was fame after taking credit for my work after you bailed" I said.

"I bailed well what did you do. Nothing so I deserve the credit"

This fool.

"Wow so you are telling me I was the one who ran screaming 'mommmyyyy' and started crying" I said annoyed.

"Well you are a girl" Hayden said acting 'cool'.

"Yea a girl that can kick your lying butt".

"I'm scared" And he moved closer to me "Try".

I stood up and tried to walk away  and I felt him grab my arm and swung me to the tree I was near and then put is arm on the tree so I don't run away.

"And where do you think you are going?" Hayden says.

"Going to somewhere I can't hear your annoying voice now move" I said.

"No I'm not going anywhere".

And then he kissed my cheek that  there are a million things to describe him let's say jerk for now .

And I simply punched him in the stomach. And he winced and clutched his stomach and almost fell but he knelt down on his knees.

"Now I'll be going" I turned and my heel and started walking.

And he grabbed my arm again this time he put his arm around my waist. And his other can sprayed something into my face and I fell unconscious.

Woohooo I unleashed a new chapter! Sorry it's short hope you enjoyed make sure to  vote, comment and follow me. See ya.


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