Chapter One

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Before continuing this book talks about many disorder, The main ones being Eating disorders,anxiety,and depression please do not read if it will trigger you in anyway. If you are experiencing these things please talk to someone you trust or a professional to seek help, Thank you Sincerely your Author.

"Don't Worry about it you'll be fine" Venus adds as I shift the phone to the other shoulder while I pull books out of a box to put them on the shelf. "I'll be home in a week you wont even notice i'm not there the first couple of days" I sit my phone down putting it on speaker and continue unpacking. "yeah maybe I won't but what if people try to talk to me I'm not prepared for that I don't even have my outfit picked out" this move was going to be a.... A change a fresh start. Nothing was going to stop me from being happy this time. Except maybe my horrid social anxiety and the fear of people. I know where it started, the whole fearing everyone around me thing I just have no clue where its gonna end and that's the terrifying part. The probability of me even making friends is very slim which is already bad enough. " Hey! Earth To CJ" Suddenly I snap back to reality. "yeah I'm here, Sorry" I say looking down at my phone. "I've been saying your name for like a whole two minute dude listen" shaking my head and sitting down for the first time in two hours. "Listening, Go on speak." Venus is so verbal sometimes it's hard to keep up but there's always a clear display of emotions put into everything she says. Even without actually seeing her i can picture the facial expression she makes with everything she says. "You don't have to pick out your outfit today we can face time tomorrow and pick it out, Plus you have to finish setting your room up, You know how my mom is" That I did know Allison was working two jobs, Always tired, but always confident that when she asks for something to be done that it will get done, This particular time she asked me to have my room set up before Sunday so I could figure out all of my school stuff. "That I do I should probably go and finish my room, I love you be safe" "Yeah, I love you too talk to you tomorrow" And with that the abrupt beeping came from my phone indicating that my phone call was now over and it was time to get back to work.

"Ughhhhhhh" I jump on my bed face first and lay there taking in the relaxation that was much needed after 7 hours of putting a room together in a new town, in a new house, and a different town. This time it's gonna be different we are gonna make friends and talk to people and actually get better. I'll actually eat and respond like a normal person, I can do this. I didn't realize how exhausted I was until just now, wow I wonder what time it is. I roll over pick up my phone checking the time "Holy shit! Its already one wow" I stand up and take a moment to appreciate the hard work. My room wasn't small but it wasn't big but I'm not complaining. On the wall where my bed is there are book shelves built into the wall to the right of my bed. Then to the left a glass night stand. Across the room horizontal from my door the was a glass desk. This is where my PC was set up. Then a bit further down from that was my closet door. I had hung LED's on my ceiling and turned my PC lights on. They were purple and red and my walls were Black. The curtains a blood red. I know that Venus and Allison Had painted and put the book cases in. Even though they wouldn't tell me that I know they wanted to make me as comfortable as possible. With That I shut my lights off and power down my PC. With that it was time for bed, Finally I lay down and Instantly doze off.

"CJ Wake up Its almost Noon" I shoot up out of bed causing me to fall of the bed and hit my head. " Shit I'm sorry Allison, Shit I said shit, I did it again I'm sorry" I stand up rambling apologetically and I look at Allison and she's just giggling. "CJ Your Fine you Just have to go down town to get Clothes remember" I sigh and look down, She already hates me damn it your messing up already Cara. "here's my card Love get whatever you need and drive safe" and with that she was off to work. I stumble into the bathroom and brush my teeth looking at myself, I felt fat but everyone tells me I'm not I'm about 110 pounds and 5'4. Brushing my hair and heading back into I'm already overthinking. Should I wear something cute or casual, and I have absolutely no clue how to get around this town oh god I'm gonna get lost. After about thirty minutes of overthinking my entire life I decide on a tank top and joggers with high tops. I grab my daisy tiny backpack and grab my keys locking the house and heading out. The sun is so bright compared to my dark room god I need to get out more. Hoping in the truck and propping my phone up on the holder I pull up my directions and head into town. I've always been an anxious driver, There's something about it that spikes my anxiety and it gets really bad in small towns like this. So with Bad anxiety and a terrible sense in direction i click off my phone and pull into a small parking lot.

It was a Skate shop, And there were a group of Teens that looked around my age standing outside of it. Now even though everything in my body was telling me to just go back home I shut the car off and get out. Heading up I over hear, "All I'm Saying Dom is if you re-grip your board this wouldn't happen" I look at the boys and Who I'm Guessing is Dom, Has slightly long brown hair that falls over his eyes a bit and is a bit taller than I am. The boy talking however is wearing long black sleeves and joggers, Which is Odd considering its 90 Out. They all turn to look at me when the Brown headed boy points to me. I stop and turn around starting to walk away. "nope, this was a bad idea, nope" I mumble to myself lightly. "Hey You look lost do you need some help" the boy in black is now jogging up to me as I spin around. Now I find My Self noticing things I didn't before. His hair is long and fluffy it has this amazing volume and his eyes they're dark brown but the centers are light like honey and he has a necklace on. On his hands he has two rings one on his pointer finger and one on his middle finger. Above that there's two hair ties with about an inch separating them. He was Almost 6 inches taller than me and apparently I had been staring. "Hey, You okay you need some help?" I look down and fidget with my fingers before finally spitting out "y-yeah I'm Kind of lost I just moved here"

The Things You SaidTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon