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"Oh, Well what are you looking for" The boy continued, Now that we we closer I was shocked. He had to be at least 6'3 he towered me which was scary... "the mall, I think I took a wrong turn somewhere" The thing about talking to someone is I end up taking in everything. There smile the way the stand when they're nervous the pain in their eyes when the world is devouring them. Its like a book I can read all of the feature the small things they make me feel safe. However some people are harder to read they're like books that have random Latin in them. The ones with quotes that you have to take the time to translate to understand. " Yeah, The mall is out this road take a left and then you go straight at the round about and you should see it" I look up and Bow my head lightly before saying "thanks for your help" I Start to Head back to the Truck and I overhear part of the group conversation. "Whats Up Jax, Who was that girl" "Just someone who needed help" I get into the truck and head in the direction I was told careful not to mess up the directions yet again. When I go Straight through the round about just like I had been told I could see the mall ahead so I pull into the parking lot. "God I hate parking lots" I say pulling in at the back because I can't park to save my life. Heading into the mall I pull out my phone looking at a list Venus had promptly sent me when I slept through her phone calls this morning. (New clothes, Sage, Crystal ring, a new back pack, And vitamins) She is such a weirdo, The sage on the list sent me back to the talk we had before I got on the plane to her. "When you get here don't worry we are gonna burn sage and expel all of that negative energy we are gonna cleanse you" As I hold the handle of my suit case and look at the boarding line I smile. "Yeah, sage me that sound totally normal. I have to get in the plane now I love you" I Walk across the parking lot. Passing families, Teenagers,groups of people, it made me feel this sort of emptiness being here alone. With that I walk through the sliding doors and into the mall. The AC hits sending chills up my back. There was a stand with the map of mall on it and little pamphlets we could carry around. So I grab one and head To the closet clothing store. When I walk in the first thing that I notice are the skateboards hung on the right to the wall. Then I notice the chokers and band T-shirts... there are records and record players and all kinds of different clothes ad accessories but Honestly the boards caught my eye.

So I Take one of the wall, It has a scull hand holding a rose of the back and the wheels are red. Yep, I definitely want this, so I carry it to the clothes part of the store with me and pick out some pants and rock band t-shirts. Then I grab a set of silver arrow rings and take it up to the counter. "Hi, Any thing else for you today" "nope just that, I pull out Allison's card and Swipe it grabbing my bags and heading out. Ummmmm where did i put that map? I reach around to my bag and grab the map. "Okay, Earthy store" I Say allowed while walking and following the map,"Aha" I see the store and head in. See this is more of Venus's thing, I don't even know what sage looks like. Nor do I know what a Crystal ring is.... I should probably ask for he- "You Look lost can I help you?" I look up and there's a nice looking lady with blue hair, " um..Yeah I need sage? And a crystal ring whatever that is" She smiles and looks at me, "you're shopping for someone else aren't you" wow, i'm guessing she knew by my lack of knowledge but her whole vibe just changed. It seemed more open and understanding "Yeah, My best friend" "great, follow me" After gathering the two items Venus Has requested I pay for them and head to the truck. "Shit how do I get home from here" I Put My bags in the bed and my Board in the passenger seat, This is going to be difficult.

After almost an hour of reminding myself what a horrid sense of Direction I have I finally make it back to the house and I can finally relax. No new people, No socializing, Just the safety of my home.....Our home. I Get out the truck and grab my board and the rest of my things unlocking the door and putting my stuff on my bed. "god I need water" I Walk to the kitchen and find a note. (CJ, Went in at 12 ill be home at 11 try and eat something) Throwing the note away and grabbing my water I head back to my room. eat something yeah right. (INCOMING FACE TIME FROM V) Swiping over, And setting my phone up I receive and obnoxious "CJJJJJJ HIIIII" She smiles waving as if we hadn't talked in a century. " Hey loser I just got home whats up" I smile at her face when I say loser. That pouting look she always got when I said something insulting. " Did you get the stuff" "I did indeed, I think I got the right thing " I say pulling the forest green bag to me and showing her first the sage. "Okay that's right what about the ring which did you pick?" I pull the ring box out of the bag and in the middle there's a gold ring with interchangeable stones labeled around it. Amethyst for wisdom, Aventurine for luck , turquoise for protection, Rose quartz for healing, and Howlite for awareness. "Oh that one will be super good for you so just open the box and put it by your window so the moon energy can power it. I stand doing as she said leaving it there with I begin to pull clothes out of the bags.

"So I'll be home tomorrow at like 7Pm i'm so sorry I cant be there for your first day but I swear I'll make it for your second day" I giggle and look at her, "its fine ill lay low till you get home but i want i hang my clothes up and try this new board. So i'm gonna go for now I love you." "You bought a skateboard awesome dud, Love You talk to you soon" and with that silence... It was so terribly loud. So I put headphones on as the music plays in my ears I go through the clothes hanging them up in the closet and take in the safety. When I'm done I go outside and put on my skating playlist while a skate around the block. My hair in the wind and the past slowly releasing its self from me in the moment of peace. I felt safe and at ease... I felt at home.

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