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As he reached out his hand holding his phone out to me I wasn't entirely sure if it was a good idea. He had a girlfriend I don't have good luck when it comes to men either. "Yo rabbit chill it's just for gaming" I look up at him and he looked genuine, Like it was just for gaming. "I don't know Jaxson your girlfriend would probably be pissed" he just laughed a bit and then sighed when he realized I was serious. He sat on the floor next to the piano and sat his phone on the stool. " She wont care but how about this I'll close my eyes and you put your number in or don't but I want you to play again" Shit what do I do he's already closing his eyes, yep they're closed fuck I don't want to be rude and V did say to make friends. So I picked his phone up put my number in under CJ and started to play Mozart again. He seemed calm like he was at peace so when I finished the piece I was surprised to him not move at all. "Jaxson?" He was out cold. What was I supposed to do wake him up? No, so my dumb ass pulled my hoodie off and covered him up then I set an alarm for the bell for the last period of the day and left the door of the piano room shut. as I did that the bell rang and I went to the library for my last period which was a free period because I have almost all my credits. That flew by entirely to fast, and out the door to the parking lot I went. The drive home was easy, When I got home there was yet another note from Allison. (Hope your first day went great! Venus will be home before me but I made dinner try to eat something please) At least she's trying, It was 3:20 Venus will be home around 7 so that gives me like an 4 hours and 40 minutes. I step into V's room, it looks exactly how I remember it. Bandanas and tapestry's on Every wall and a shrine of EVERY SPRITUALLY THING EVER. So I grab her sun water jar some sage and a bottle of water and go outside. I sage the inside then add the water and sage the outside close it and sit it in the sun. "Okay I think I did that right" I say aloud and head into the house pulling out my homework. yeah, I already hate my Algebra teacher. "Beginning understanding work sheet what a load of shit" DING huh, V never texts me? I wonder if something happened. I pick up my phone and I'm just confused.


(CJ): I'm sorry who is this?

(UNKNOWN NUMBER): Jaxson, Jaxson Graves

I'm just gonna {Contact Saved}

(Jaxson): You getting online or?

(CJ):Can't algebra

(Jaxson): Oh alright

And with that I click my phone off and get to work, I don't really like math all that much I was never good at it. "Square root of 78 then find the 15%" I look up and it almost 6, so I rush out the door. "shit shit shit the sun water" I run outside and see the sun isn't completely down yet so I bring the water inside. Then I go Back to algebra cause yay math! At about a half past 6 I finally finish my math. As I stand my stomach growls, I am kind of hungry however I don't really need to eat again till tomorrow. So I chew a piece of gum instead to subside the hunger. I need to brush my teeth and shower soon I feel gross. I should take out the trash and do the dishes. I walk to the kitchen and pull the trash tying it and putting it in the outside dumpster. then load the dishwasher and start coffee. "Alright shower time" with that I was off to the shower. Singing in the shower and scrubbing my head was definitely the best part of today. DING "You say we're just friends." DING "Hmm Hm HMMM mm" DING "la la la la" I rinse my hair and step out of the shower drying off and getting into shorts and a tank top. Then I treat my hair and put it up before spitting out my gum and brushing my teeth with one hand and checking my phone with the other. ( Jaxson- 3 Messages).

"CARA JEM MILES" I wipe my mouth and take off into the living room and as soon as V sees me she jumps up and wraps her legs around me. "I take it you missed me?" She nods and jumps down. Venus is about and inch shorter than me and she wears glasses, She mixed and her hair is fluffy and full of curls all around. "here let me get your bags you hold my phone" I grab her bags from the car and put them in her room while she talks to me. "Paris was beautiful you have to- Holy crap CJ Jaxson Graves is texting you" I walk to the living room and sit down next to her and we both read the messages.

(Jaxson): Hey do you by chance want to come to my party on Friday?

(Jaxson): You can Bring V if it makes you feel better

(Jaxson): Oh shit you don't like people sorry I forgot about that part.

"so you're telling me I miss one day of school and Jax has your number are you serious" I look up at her and kinda sigh. "yeah but it's not what you think I gave him my number cause he wanted to game with me and I didn't want to be rude... Then he fell asleep and i covered him up with my hoodie and left." "Wait were you at his place?" she tilted her head when she asked and raised her eyebrows. "No way in hell V you know better he came in the music room while I was playing and fell asleep listening to me play" She stood up and pulled me into my room opening my closet. "V what the hell are you doing" she spun around with the widest smirk and simply said. "we are going to that party"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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