Chapter 2

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(Alarm Beeping) "Ughhhhhhhhhh" I hit dismiss and stand up first day new school new people new future. I put on a pair of black high wasted holy jeans and a hoodie, then I grab my bag and my skateboard and head out to the truck. Allison was yet again already gone for work so I was alone until later. The school wasn't surprisingly hard to find it was up the road, I park and head in leaving my board in the truck. Alright the office hm, Right in the middle of my thought I run into a hard surface and stumble backwards. "oh My god i'm so sorry" "hey its you that girl that got lost" I Look up to see the guy who helped me find my way to the mall and smiled a bit. " Yeah, sorry about that I have h-" I was interrupted by a girl an inch or two taller than me. she had on this lose light pink dress and black heels. "Hey babe who's this" I don't like this situation at all. "Um, I'm not sure of her name but shes the girl I gave directions the other day." she looked at me up and down and looked back at the boy. She then extended her hand to me greeting me with "Hello, I'm Jess and this is Jaxson" I looked at her hand contemplating, Nope I don't like her aura there's something weird about it. "oh i'm sorry I don't really like being touched" She then pulled her hand away and looked at me confused. "I'm CJ, I forgot to say that I apologize" she smiles but Jaxson hasn't moved he tense and he looks super uncomfortable. "I'm looking for the office do you guys know where that would be." Jaxson finally looks down at me now a bit less uncomfortable. "look at you, lost again you're like a baby rabbit with no sense of direction" Jess elbows him in the side and step closer to me pointing down the hall. " Down this hall and to the left at the very end you'll see it" I start to walk away through the crowd as I say "Thank you" then when I look back again a minute later they're gone. After about 30 minutes of going through registration papers they give me my schedule. We only have 4 core classes the other two are our electives. First is AP Algebra then English 3 After that History, I walk into the class and sit down. Opening a fresh notebook and labeling it. U.S. History Then I hear a group of boys in the hallway they were loud coming in There's 3 of them. Jaxson being the first and the boy from the skate shop I think his name was Dom. "Ayo who's the new girl" I look down and scribble on my paper acting like I can't hear them. "her name is CJ and don't even Dom" and with that a shadow came over me. "Hi, Dominic Gregory" he extends his hand smiling. "Dude Dom she doesn't like people touching her" Jaxson says.

"sorry about Him CJ, He's overly friendly" I look up and fake a smile. "No it's okay I'm CJ i'm New" Dom flips his hair to the right and smile taking a seat next to me and then Jaxson sits behind them. The other boy sits Across from Dominic, "Has anyone seen Venus's spiritual ass I need my reading for the month" Oh so Dominic Knows V Ohhhhh that's who D is I always wondered that. "She's still in Paris she will be home tonight" He looks over at me a bit confused and I look up to the teacher who was now writing on the board and introducing herself. The bell rings and I gather my things walking out towards my next class. As I get to the door of the music room Dominic jogs up behind me and grabs my shoulder. I flinch and take 3 steps backwards, "Jesus Christ Dominic" I say raising my hand up as if protecting me from something. He step backwards and I lower my hand. "How do you know Venus" He asks me almost defensively and runs his hand through his hair. I think he thought it made him look more serious. "I Live with her, and don't touch me please" it took him a minute for his brain to work. When it hit though his face went from Realization to sadness. "Oh my God Cara i'm so sorry" my eyes shot up with he spit out my birth name. I was confused and angry I guess you could say that, hearing someone else say it just brought back those stupid fucking memories. "It's CJ, Please don't Ever use my government name again." The bell rings and I go to walk away, "Wait CJ Give me your number!" I spin around "No way dude" and then I was gone. Into the music room I go. When I walk In there wasn't that many kids maybe 4 at most all doing there own thing with different instruments. I walk to a room and open the door to Find two pianos. A grand piano and an Electric piano, I sit down at the grad piano adjusting the stool while pressing the pedals and start playing Mozart's K 545 in C major. The piano was loud but it was surprisingly in tune and honestly back in my home town the pianos absolutely sucked.

So when I finished and threw my right hand in the air I was surprised to see Jaxson leaning in the door frame clapping. Something about him being there made my heart a little less heavy. "Holy shit Rabbit you can play piano?" I laugh lightly at the nickname and the amount of shock that came from him he was smiling and it was the first real one I had seen from him. I know the difference because when he actually smiles he giggles and looks away every two seconds or so. "What did you think I was Totally talent-less" I say taking my other hand off the keys and adjusting my posture a bit. "I just didn't expect that" he takes a step closer "where did you come from Jax you don't have this class" I respond while looking up at him because he's now leaning against the piano. He tilts his head back and impulsively plays with the two rings on his hand. "I had gym and its right next door, I heard you over Dom so I wanted to come check out who was playing" I stood up leaning on the wall across the room and looked at him. "what else about you should I know" jokingly I say... "I'm a super hero" we both laugh "No seriously" oh he actually wants to know something shit what do I say.Then comes the impulsive response "I Game on PC" "Oh shit really me to, Give me your number we can game together some time" He says searching for his phone and extending his arm to hand it to me.

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