Chapter 1

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Information you should probably know before reading is

Phil's 32

Techno and Wilbur are twins and are 19

Techno and wilbur are Phil's adopted sons

Tommy is 17 and just a employee at the market

So not Phil's child

Yep that's all

Enjoy the first chapter


Tommy walked to the market straight from school

He went to the break room where techno was sat on his phone

"Hello technoblade" tommy nodded

"Hello child" techno responded "Phil made you a sandwich and said if you don't eat it before work he will just send you home"

"Ok, somehow I feel threatened by the man and he isn't even here" tommy stated

"You should my father is the owner of the store and practically adopted you by this point" techno chuckled

"Not important information seeing as I already knew it" tommy added walking to the fridge and taking the sandwich Phil made him

"Now that I think about it" techno started

"You think" tommy dramatically gasped

"Sometimes but, didn't your parents leave last night?" Techno asked

"Yeah they went on vacation or some shit" tommy shrugged

"How long?" Techno questioned

"A week I think" tommy answered taking a bit if his sandwich

"Nice" techno nodded

"I guess, 'ont like being alone though" tommy said with his mouth full

"You can always stay with us" techno suggested

"Would Phil be ok with that? Or wilbur?" Tommy questioned

"Phil suggested it actually and wilbur can suck it if he doesn't want you there" techno explained

Tommy nodded and finished eating his sandwich

"I have to pack a bag of clothes n' shit" tommy stared "but if you drive me to your house drop me by my house first"

"Okay" techno nodded

After tommy ate the sandwich he went to work the till

Working the register was the worst thing for him yet there he was doing just that

And the first customer was a Karen of course

"You total is $1186.69" tommy chimed

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