Chapter 8

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They let tommy chose the next movie as well seeing as he was sick and they didn't really care

He asked if they could watch the lion king

He fell asleep about ten minutes in and was rudely awaken by Philza a half hour later

He sat up from where he was laying on techno's lap and look around

"What's going on?" He questioned

"I need to check your temperature" Phil stated puting the thermometer to tommy forehead "if it didn't go down we will probably have to take you to the hospital"

Tommy didn't like the sound of that

The thermometer beeped

"Your fine for now i suppose" Phil said seeing as his fever went down "i made you soup"

"Im not hungry" tommy said

"Bullshit mate" Phil replied

"I pro-" tommy stated

"Your either finna eat the soup or i re hire Jared" Phil threatened

Tommy started eating

I mean they both knew he wouldn't but at the same time tommy wasn't gonna risk it

After good soup tommy fell asleep on techno again laying his feet in Wilburs lap

The next morning he woke up and tried to stand only to find a upset techno looking at him

"Whats wrong big man?" Tommy asked

"You don't look good" techno stated

"Whatcha mean?" Tommy questioned knowing if techno said what he thinks techno's gonna say then he felt like it too

"You look like your finna throw up" techno answered

Tommy just nodded haveing a feeling in his throat as if he was about to

So he escaped techno's grasp and bolted for the bathroom

He threw up in the toilet

A moment later he felt someone rubbing circles on him back

After another five minutes of throwing up he was done
And Phil handed him a glass of water

hen helped tommy to his room

Practically by the time tommy layed down on the bed he fell asleep

The next two days for tommy were just spent in his room Wilbur and techno were home either siting on the bed with him on their phones or in their rooms

When tommy was finally aloud to leave his room he went to the kitchen and grabbed a coke which was take from him again by Philza himself

"Tommorow" Phil said "tommorow you can have a coke"

Tommy sighed

The day passed quickly and the next day tommy was completely fine

He went back to school and got a shit ton of work

He got a call from his mother saying they were leaving town again

So he went to the grocery store and did his work

He worked the till and surprisingly no one was a Karen which was lovely

After work he went to the breakroom and started on school work

He had five days of work to complete

So he just started with the five days of math

Once he was done that Phil came in and told him he was heading home and asked tommy to lock up the store before leaving

Tommy stayed up all night completing the work

The next morning he packed his back and swept the floors before leaving for school

As he left the door there was not Phil but Wilbur and techno

"I know you sweep the floors in the morning but damn it's too early for even Wilbur to be awake" techno said when he saw tommy

"You stayed up all night catching up on school didn't you?" Wilbur sighed

"I Don't know, but in a completely different note you didn't see me here" tommy said running off towards school

Wilbur and techno being Wilbur and techno didn't message Phil

Because he was at a meeting

So they told him when he came into the store that afternoon

When tommy came in the store after school Phil didn't say anything

When tommy had to take a break because he had a headache Phil angerly made a sandwich for him but didn't say anything

When tommy started doing homework again after his shift Phil didn't say anything

When tommy was still there at ten pm when Phil was about to leave then he said something

"Tommy go home" Phil sighed

"Finally talking to me hm" tommy replied not looking up from his school work

"If you didn't stay up all night doing school maybe it would've been different" Phil explained

"I had school and they said i had to turn it in by today what do you want from me" tommy questioned

"You could've asked for help" Phil started

Tommy just shrugged and went back to his school work seeing as he was almost done

"Can I stay with you again?" Tommy asked

Phil nodded knowing his parents were out of town get again

A few minutes later the two were off

End of chapter



How are you

Word count 815

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