Chapter 15

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I have a reason for not posting a family thing came up I'm sorry but hey longer chapter to make up for it?



The next morning tommy woke up like normal

The only difference of the day he noticed at first was the fact it wasn't 4:30 in the morning around the time he'd normally wake up

When he was fully awake he went downstairs

Phil was making breakfast

Techno was drinking coffee

And Wilbur was no where to be seen

"Morning toms" Phil waved when he noticed the boy

"G'morning" tommy smiled

"I know it's a sour way to start the day but about what happened yesterday" Phil started "with your dad n shit?"

"Yeah...." Tommy sighed "i couldn't fall asleep so i went for a walk to help fall asleep? I dont know but i went for a walk and he pulled up and i got in the car assuming he would just drive me back here"

Tommy paused for a moment the only noise in the house being from the stove where Phil cooked pancakes

"I don't know where he took me but it wasn't here it was wherever you picked me, tubbo and ranboo up from" tommy continued "the whole ride he complained 'why the fuck did i have a son like you. Your a disappointment to the family' he said things like that and complained how mom just gave me to you guys instead of using me for money or some shit"

"I'm sorry about him toms he's a grown fucking man" techno sighed debating how to get away with murder

Tommy nods

"Techno's right" Phil added "but hey we can just pretend yesterday didn't happen and go to the store if you'd like"

Tommy's face light up brighter then a Christmas tree

"Geez didn't think you'd be that excited about work" techno chuckled

"Techno, big man. You need to understand the store you know magnolia market, your beloved father owns it sells the best thing in the world" tommy explained

"And that is?" Techno questioned

"Coke techno it sells coke" tommy stated unimpressed by techno question

"The soda or the drug cus-" techno started

"I don't sell drugs that I'm aware or" Phil laughed setting a plate of pancakes in front of each of the boys

"Mhm" tommy hummed stuffing his mouth full of pancakes

"So soda? Tommy i could literally buy you a while pack of it" techno said making sure his mouth wasn't full when he spoke

"Yu cud wly o at?" Tommy questioned mouth full of pancakes

"Could you repeat that?" Techno asked "maybe with your mouth not full of food"

Tommy quickly swallowed the food in his mouth before speaking again

"I said you could really do that?" He repeated

"I could" techno nodded

"Technoblade if you did that you would automatically become my favorite person in the world" tommy said before got back to eating his breakfast

Techno took this into consideration for a while

Wilbur came downstairs and got some coffee and talked with Phil before grabbing some pancakes

When techno was done with breakfast he put his plate in the sink grabbed his keys and wallet then left without a word

Where was he going you might ask?

I'm sure you already know the answer to that and it is to the store

Not the store his father owns that's still but he did go to a store

And said store sells coke

The soda not the drug

He bought a 12 pack and went on his way home

He walked though the door and handed tommy the soda

"WHAT THE FUCK!" tommy shouted excitement clear in his voice

"I'll take favorite person award" techno stated

"You got it" tommy smiled setting the pack of soda on the floor and giving techno a hug

A real genuine hug that techno returned

After a moment they pulled away from the hug and tommy went back to his soda

"I can't believe they sell them in packs and not just by them selfs best invention ever" tommy exclaimed showing it to Wilbur

End of chapter

Word count 691

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