Chapter 12

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The rest of the day went well for the most part and while the store was closing techno took tommy to the walk in freezer for ice cream

They door closed behind them causing them to get trapped

It would've been fine but neither of the two had their phone not really expecting to be trapped in a freezer
They just kinda sat done and started eating their ice cream

After about a hour they started to realize how cold they actually were

"Here" techno said taking off his hoodie and trying to give it to Tommy

"I'm fine" tommy said while shivering

Techno gave him a questioning look

"I promise" tommy added

Techno just put the hoodie on himself

After about another hour finally Wilbur found them

"Phil" he shouted "found them!"

As soon as the freezer door was open they rushed out of there

"How long were you guys on there" Phil questioned giving them both a blanket

"T-two hours?" Tommy guessed

"Let's go home yeah?" Wilbur suggested

Techno and tommy nodded

When the group arrived at home tommy and techno went upstairs

Wilbur started setting up fluffy blankets and pillows on Phil's bed for a movie

And Phil made hot chocolate

Techno and tommy both took showers

Then the group watched a few movies

Techno and tommy wanted to watch more as they left a movie series on a cliff hanger but Phil brought up the fact they stayed up all night watching movies the night before

The next morning Phil was up first and made breakfast

End of chapter


Ik its very short but i remembered i needed to upload a chapter so hey that's good

I'm planing on buying techno merch when it come out :)

Have a lovely evening

Word count 299

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