Chapter 4

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(A couple of weeks after the argument)
Third person POV:


Nickel fell onto his bed, baseball was at the competition, he felt bad for once in his life, he promised a alliance and came out with a suitcase hating him, baseball not being the same and manipulating both of them....he sighed, this is all my fault... he thought, baseball probably hates me and is hiding it, most of the contestants hate or dislike me...this whole hotel would be better off without me, I sit on my bed and look at my phone

"No new notifications" it reads

Suitcase said I'm dead to her so she won't text me but... that's not what I'm worried about...
Baseball must hate me so much that he does not want to talk to me... ballon- well, I know he's not going to text because he probably hates me too... everyone hates me

Nickel starts sobbing. Its all catching up, everything I've done... he thinks. He walks up to the dark brown desk at his side of the room, he grabs the Handel with his foot and sees his utility knife hidden under papers, he grabs it and sits on the bed, and with baggy eyes full of tears he grabs the knife in his mouth and points it at his leg

This will make me feel better

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