Chapter 16

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Soap, microphone and ying yan hopped into a dark green car after the news that knife and pickle are at the hospital because of someone getting hurt, paintbrush was driving, baseball was next to them with a panicked expression and test tube, fan and lightbulb were in the third row. Soap was next to microphone. A look of panic on Soap's face for nickel and the fact that the car could have germs. "Calm down it's going to be ok" Microphone said, holding her hand, she felt the warmth of microphones hand wrapped around hers. They had really gained a strong bond through the last couple of days. Soap was snapped out of her thoughts as she felt the car come to a stop, she looked outside the window, she felt a sinking feeling realized

We are here....

Paintbrush, baseball, soap, Yin Yang, and the rest walked into the hospital, after a while they went into the room, first only baseball.

Baseball looked a nickel with concern, tears in his eyes they ran up to him and hugged him, the best he could without arms, he cried into nickel. "Hey big guy.... Calm down I'm fine ok?..." Nickel said, looking into baseballs eyes calmly. "I-I know... I missed you... oh nickel...your my best friend and I don't know what I could do without you!" He said, Nickel remembered what suitcase said, that if he told anyone that it was her, she would kill him....

Baseball looked at nickel happily, smiling

Oh baseball.... If only I could tell you.

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