The beginning

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*Courtney's POV*

I came off the bus to the biggest school I've ever seen. About the size of a plaza, I went in. It was amazing; a perfect white floor with locker by locker everywhere. All the students heard an announcement on the intercom. "Report to the cafeteria immediately." Well, I guess I'll have time to admire the scenery later. Everyone was heading down to the cafeteria, and I noticed a few people. There was a boy with black hair and a green mohawk coming towards me. "Hey there." he said in his deep, sexy voice. "Um, hello." I managed to fumble back. We stood there for a while, motionless. "Listen, we better get to the cafeteria before we get in trouble." And I walked off.

*Noah's POV*
This school is pretty good so far, can't complain. When I got to the cafeteria, all I pretty much saw was a bunch of tables, 5 chairs each. There was a kitchen; Well, two doors to different sections of a kitchen, but no one went in. I sat at a table with a boy with brunette hair and candy filling his pockets, a girl who had a PDA, and was also a brunette, a girl with teal and black hair, most likely a goth, and a boy who was wearing a ton of piercings. What a bunch. I swear, if I knew that I was going to be stuck with these idiots, I would've moved with my aunt and cousins. Oh well, too late now. There was two guys at the front of the cafeteria, where everyone except me was looking. I was paying attention to that candy kid. He looked pretty cute. W-what am I thinking?! You remember what happened last time you admitted you were gay at your last school, Noah.

*No one's pov*
Chris McLean, wearing a yellow shirt, kakis, and a black tie. "Welcome to Wawanakqua High! I am Chris McLean, aka your principal. I'm glad that you all have decided to come to this school out of all the other schools out there, it means a lot." A woman with blonde hair tied into a bun walked onto the stage. She was wearing a orange sweater and black slacks, orange hoop earrings, and black boots. "Hello, students. I am Blainley O' Halorane. I am your co-principal. We do hope you enjoy your time here, for you'll all be staying until you graduate." Chris took his microphone. "I will take the boys to their dorms. Blainley will take the girls to their dorms.

*Heather's POV*
We have been walking for at least 5 minutes, and we are finally here. The place is huge. When we got there, Blainley had stopped walking, so we all stopped walking. She turned around and gave us all a smile. It was kind of creepy. "We're here! Now I'm going to put you all in dorms based off of your names. When I call your name, stand over there and I will give you a number. Amy, Anne Maria, Beth, 1. Bridgette, Courtney, Dakota, 2. Dawn, Ella, Eva, 3." I got paired up with a chick named Gwen and a chick named Izzy, we got 4. "Jasmine, Jo, Katie, 5. Leshawna, Lindsay, Sadie, 6. Sammy, Scarlett, Sierra, 7. Sky, Staci, Sugar, 8" "What about me?" Zoey asked. "Oh, yes. Since there are no more other girls, you must stay in 8 with Sky, Staci, and Sugar." Blainley replied.

*Katie's POV*
I can't believe I have to stay in a different dorm than Sadie! I mean, I've lived my while life with her! I accepted her as a sister! I wiped a tear away as I went in my dorm to see another girl already in there. She saw me crying. "What's the matter with you?", the girl asked in her Australian accent. Still sobbing, I answered, "M-my besst frfriend S-s-Sadie aand I were not p-put in thththe samme dormm... I've been with her most of my life, ever since we were born! It's so hard to be away from her...". The girl came towards me and put her hand on my shoulder. "I know it's tough to be away from your friend. My mother is in New York City, while I'm stuck here at Ontario. At least you are still in the same school as her, you can see her anytime....", the girl drifted off. "Hey, are you Katie or Jo?", the tall girl asked. "I'm Katie. You must be Jasmine, then." I replied back. I think I can actually live with this.

*Cody's POV*
We all got to the boys dorms. Chris turned around and faced us all with a smile. "Three boys will be put in to one dorm. When I call your name, stand over there and I'll give you a number. Alejandro, Beverly, Beardo, 1. Brick, Cameron, Cody, 2. Dave, Dj, Duncan, 3. Ezekiel, Geoff, Harold, 4. Jose, Justin, Lenard, 5. Lightning, Max, Mike, 6. Noah, Owen, Rodney, 7. Sam, Scott, Shawn, 8. Topher, Trent, Tyler, 9." When I got to my dorm, I could see some guy in boots and black hair unpacking his bags. He turned around to see me standing there with my bags. He was so big, and I was just a tiny little ant just waiting to get stepped on. "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!", I screamed. I think I am in even more trouble. The guy gave me a strange look and replied "I don't hurt people unless we're in war. I won't harm you." "I'm so relived! It's just that you're so big, and you look threatening." I stated. "Yeah, that's understandable. I only harm when I need to.", the boy said. "Are you Brick?" I took a guess. "Yes. Are you Cody?" Brick asked. "Yes. I wonder where that Cameron kid is." Once Brick was fished unpacking, he walked towards the door. "I saw him struggling with his bags. I'm going to help him." As I unpacked my bags, I thought to myself "Maybe this won't be so bad after all."

*Noah's POV*
"Now that everything is taken care of, I'm going to get some food.", Owen stated. That boy and his food. "I'm going to the library.", I told the two. Rodney was just dumb enough to question "For what?" "To burn it." I replied in my sarcastic tone. Just as I started walking, that idiot took what I said seriously and tacked me. "Oh no you're not!" Owen, still at the door, had to help pull me from under Rodney, but it backfired and I was flung out the window. I landed on that kid I had seen earlier. My legs were spread out, one leg on one shoulder and one leg on the other shoulder. I was blushing madly, and so was he. Rockhead and Obese started laughing and a girl with ginger hair in the bushes who was there for whatever reason holding a camera snapped a picture at us and went back in the bushes. I got up almost immediately and tried to stop blushing. It was no use. I bet he already saw me. Ugh, I'm busted..AGAIN.

*Cody POV*
I don't know why this kid is blushing. Wait, why am I blushing? Is it because I like him? No, wait, do I? It doesn't matter. I'm going to ask him. "Hey, why are you blushing?" "B-blushing?? I'm not blushing.... why are you blushing?" He fumbled back. "I don't know... never mind. Who are you, Noah, Owen, or Rodney?" I questioned. "I'm Noah. I'm guessing you're.... Cody?" How does he know? "Yes, I am." "Yeah, sorry about that... those chuckling idiots flung me out the window.", Noah explained. "So, you going anywhere?" Wait, what was I going to do again? "I don't remember.... oh yeah! I was going to the cafeteria to get some candy! What about you?" "I was j-just g-going to get a sandwich. How about we walk together?" He was stuttering, almost as if he was lying. But why would he lie? As if he wanted to get closer to me. Or does he....

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