What is this strange feeling?

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                     *NOAH POV*
Cody and I had decided to get a snack together. I don't know why, but I like this kid. He's cute. Don't even think about it, Noah. You know what happened last time. Do you want to relive that same hell? As we walk down the hallway, I can feel eternities passing, as if the universe is giving me a big middle finger in the face. Cody looks visibly anxious to say something, and eventually something pops out of his mouth. "So, what happened back there?", he blurts out as if he were about to explode. I explain to him the whole incident, nitpicking words that wouldn't fit in the whole "going to get a snack" scenario. He giggles at the story, and I notice a gap between his two front teeth. I found it adorable. However, he quickly realized that I was gazing at his gap and shut his mouth. He starts blushing, obviously embarrassed by someone seeing the gap between his teeth. "I don't find it unattractive, if that's what you think.", I unconsciously say. I quickly realized what I had worded out and turned the other way in embarrassment, much like Cody did. "It looks like we both have our flaws.", Cody mockingly utters. We both laugh. When we finally get to the cafeteria, we notice a tall, bald, man with a beard giving us a death glare. He looked like someone who just escaped a prison. The kind of person who would want you to drop the soap.

                  *Cody POV*
As we arrived at the cafeteria, we found a scary looking man eyeing us down. He looked like someone straight out of a horror movie. I bet he's been to prison at least once. We some some redhead girl munching on a sandwich, but decide not to talk to her. I order Noah and I two sandwiches, and pay for them both. When he said he could pay for it himself, I insisted on paying for him. "Why?", he questioned me. I told him that it was a celebration of our new friendship. In the truth, it was much more than a friendship. I had a crush on him. When we were walking down the hall and he was staring at my gap, I thought he'd find me a freak. But, apparently I was wrong. He said he didn't find it unattractive... I assumed it was probably just a wrong choice of words. Wait, Cody, what are you saying? There's no way you can fall in love with a guy. You'd be a freak! Everyone you know would hate you! And what if the guy doesn't even love you back? You just met him! I think my anxiety is starting to get to me. But it did leave me to wonder. I've been pretty much straight my whole life. Why am I falling for this guy? A guy I just met?  What is this strange feeling?

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