First Day

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                 *JASMINE POV*

I was the first girl in my room to wake up. I looked at the clock 6:30, it read. I decided that was a good amount of time to get ready. It is the first day of class, after all. I should make a good impression. I was pondering if I should wake up either of my roommates. Katie probably needed the sleep, and that Jo girl looked like she'd pummel me if I woke her up. I carefully unpacked my bag, being careful not to wake either of the girls up. I slipped on my white shirt and vest, along with its matching shorts and hat. I got into my boots and ever so carefully closed the door, on my way to get breakfast. When I arrived at the cafeteria, I found that I wasn't the only one awake. Two other students, one ginger, looking at her camera, and one blonde and wearing a red cheerleader outfit. It's good to know that I'm not the only one here who wakes up early. Classes start at nine, which gives me a good amount of time to meet the other students here. I got a muffin and some yogurt from the chef and sat down close to the blonde girl. "Hello", I casually said. The girl was picking at her eggs when she jumped, surprised to see anyone else talking to her. "H-hello", she fumbled. "I guess I'm not the only one who woke up early." She started to nibble on her eggs, obviously disgusted by them. "You can have my muffin, if you want." I offered, with a hand with a muffin stretched out towards her direction. She took it in a heartbeat and replied with a full hearted "Thanks!" I started to add on to the previously mentioned topic. "You know, we're not the only ones awake," I pointed towards the ginger girl. "There's another girl over there." The girl was flipping through her camera, when she caught a glimpse of us and waved with a wide smile. We both waved back. Then the girl got back to her camera, obviously more interested about it than us. "Anyway, what's your name?" "Sammy." "I'm Jasmine, nice to meet you!" We both finished our breakfast and headed elsewhere to enjoy our few hours.

                   *IZZY POV*

I have no idea what those two girls were talking about, but it's rude not to say hi. They didn't seem to care that I wasn't interested in them, though. I was more interested in those boys I saw last night. God, they were so cute, blushing and all. They looked like they'd be perfect together. I might devise a plan to help them get together, I might not. It all depends on how I feel. I finished my cereal and left the bowl on the table, noticing the chef visibly angered at my rude actions. I snickered and left the cafeteria. I was walking down the hall when I noticed that boy from earlier, the darker one that landed on top of the buck toothed one. I put my camera away and caught the boy's attention. "Hi, I'm Izzy! What's your name?" The boy had a bored look on his face, as he replied with a simple "Noah." He looked like he just wanted to get to the cafeteria, but I needed him to form a friendship with me first. "I advise you don't try the eggs, they're undercooked." I warned him. "Good to know.", he replied, walking past me. "See you later." This plan may be easier than I thought.

                 *BRICK POV*

I was the first to wake up in my room, as I suspected. I looked at the clock. 7:00. Perfect amount of time to get my morning exercise done and eat breakfast. Cody was knocked out cold, and Cameron was in some sort of... cocoon? He's a strange roommate. He told me stories of how he used to live in a bubble while I helped him with his luggage. There was no good reason to wake either of them up, the boys probably needed that sleep. I put on my green shirt, jeans, and cargo boots. I fastened my belt, and I was out the door. I headed towards the gym, when I saw this blonde girl jogging right past me, punching through the doors, and started doing push ups in the middle of the floor. When I entered the gym, I found a brunette boy and a girl with a unibrow arm wrestling on the table. I figured these were the athletes of the school. I got down on the floor next to the girl that just jogged in and began doing crunches. Of course she noticed me, but didn't bother to say anything. After about 3 minutes of silence I started to break the ice with a friendly "Hi, I'm Brick. What's your name?". She gave me a menacing glare and walked to the other side of the gym, and continued her push ups alone. I guess she didn't want to be bothered. I would've talked to the unibrow girl, but she looked like she wanted to challenge me to an arm wrestling contest. The one who lost, the only boy in the gym besides me, was crying over his recently almost broken arm. He was crying like I've never seen a man cry before. I guess I should leave them all alone. I finish my crunches, then leave the gym to take a shower. Before I leave, I get a pat on the shoulder by the same woman that I tried to talk to before. "Name's Jo." , she answered before walking out the gym doors, probably to go take a shower as well.

                 *DAWN POV*

I woke up at about 7:30, giving me enough time to meditate out in the garden. I dressed in my regular blue shirt, green sweater, gray skirt, purple leggings, and black shoes. I noticed the Eva girl wasn't there, but Ella was peacefully asleep, so I decided to leave her alone. I walked to the cafeteria, got myself a scone and some tea, and walked to the garden. It was so beautiful, shining in the early morning light with butterflies and birds happily flying throughout the garden. There was a beautiful flowing bird bath in the middle of the garden, with picnic tables and stones scattered throughout the garden. The sight was magnificent, and I took up the sweet flower scent as I began to fall into a trance of complete zen. I crossed my legs on the grass and began to loose myself in meditation, completely forgetting about my tea and scone. Just as I continued my meditation, I heard a rustling though the grass, and a heavy breathing following it. I opened my eyes and found a freckled ginger boy trying to steal my scone. He stopped dead in his tracks, and began to run for it. I quickly sprinted after him, me obviously being the faster one. I finally caught up to him and made him apologize for attempted stealing of my scone. He didn't touch the tea, though. When I asked him why, he replied with "I don't wanna know what it tastes like." He slumped his shoulders and walked slowly dragged his feet down the hall, obviously dissatisfied with getting caught. I stopped him in his tracks, and asked for his name. "Scott", he said in his high pitched voice. I asked him if he wanted to eat breakfast with me, and he accepted. We sat in the cafeteria, he got eggs and bacon, I drank my tea and ate my scone. He took a bite out of his eggs, and instantly spit them out— right onto my face. I rubbed it off with my napkin, and made a glare at him. He just yelped, he didn't apologize. He was obviously ill mannered, but he had good intentions, other than stealing. It was almost 9:00, so everyone began getting their things and heading to class. We all went to first period, where I saw the same ginger boy in the class. I right behind him, between a red haired girl and a slightly chubby girl who reminded me of honey boo boo. The red girl slumped, obviously upset by something. Her aura gave off an upset vibe. I wish I could have paid attention to her, but this was the first day and we had to do our best to make good impressions. This day has to go right.

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