Chapter 4

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It's been a while since i've had any type of assignment. It's been boring few weeks get up, eat, train, eat, train, eat, train then sleep then repeat. I've been so bored lately and i've been slacking a lot. Me and Davina drink most nights but i've told her to not let me wake up with a stranger in my bed ever again. Tonight was no different in my room drinking, listening to music, singing and dancing while laughing. If it wasn't for Davina I would have such a miserable life she is mainly what keeps me going along with my family. Davina is like family to me we protect each other like family and I always remind her when she thinks she's not good enough for us, or this world and that 'family does not always mean blood but loyalty'. We were screaming at the top of our lungs while singing to the song that was playing. I have no idea if i'm even remotely getting it right but I kept going. The night got darker and darker till we realised it was time to go to sleep, we have a meeting with my father in the morning.

I woke up a pounding headache and heard light snoring as I rubbed my head, to try and soothe the pain. Davina was so peaceful when she asleep, otherwise when she's awake we're always doing something crazy. The thoughts and memories I have of me and Davina make me smile as I got up and walked to my wardrobe chucked on a loose top, as well as some ripped jeans, black high heel boats and a high pony before walking out. Davina was already up and dressed in her clothes for the day as she had a draw in my room in case we had nights like last night. I could tell we were both feeling like death I walked to my bed side table and pulled out a pack of advil. I popped 4 pills out of the pack handing two to Davina before swallowing the two for myself. We got ourselves together and made our way to my fathers office, skipping breakfast cause last time we were like this we made the mistake of having breakfast then when in a meeting both throwing up everywhere.

I knocked on the wooden door some what lightly before I heard a muffled 'come in' and so we did.
"morning father"I said walking in
"morning Derek"Davina said walking in closing the door
"morning"he said looking up from his papers
"shit you two look like shit"my father said examining both our bodies
"thanks"I said slowly giving him a sort of death stare and he gestured for us to sit down. Finally I felt like I was going to collapse. I soaked into the chair letting out a small sigh before looking at my father.
"so what's with the meeting"I said sitting up fixing my posture
"I have an assignment for the both of you"my father said sternly a smile creased across my face happy to finally have some action something to do.
"but there's a catch"my father said immediately turning my slight smile into a frown
"what's this catch"I said looking at him unimpressed
"it's not an action assignment you are to go to this club meet this guy give him this package and get the money then leave immediately got it"my father said taking out two files to brief us on what was expected
"of course"I said coldly as I wanted action and I got a recon assignment

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