A/N 2

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Okay guys, quick note here. Actually, got three things to say.

1: I know it's been a while since I've updated, but I am working on some stuff. So, fear not, I'm planning Shizz.

2: I'm planning on restarting my first story, What If? because it's storyline just got really weird, and is NOT the way I was planning it to go. So Imma start anew, just in case any of you wanted to know what was going on with that. I know most of my readers on here are SPN fans, though, so I doubt this was really necessary XD

3: So, I was wondering, do you have any ideas for a nickname for you guys? Cause, I got nothin'. And I'm not super content with callong you "you guys" or "Mah Peepz". So.... Got any ideas?

That's about it! Like I said, I'm working on a few oneshots at the moment, but don't get your hopes up for them being special or better than normal because they're taking a while. School is mostly the reason I'm not updating as much. School and family members wanting to hang out. Anyhoo, love you guys!


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