I Miss You (Shules)

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A/N: Hey Mah Peepz, sorry it took so long, but this Shules oneshot is dedicated to @psychshulesjaggie . I kinda took a break from watching Psych, because I'm going through "One of My Favourite Shows Just Ended" syndrome. Unless if it's not ended. If that's the case, then please alert me immediately.

Shawn groaned. "I want Juuuuuuules!!!" He yelped from the edge of his bed. Well, the hotel bed.

"We can't go home until we finish this case, Shawn." Gus replied. "Okay..." Shawn began in a fake, whiny voice. "What about Laaaaaaasssiiiiiiieeee?" Gus turned to give him a confused look. "Why do you want Lassie?" Gus asked. "Because he would have brought Juuuuuuules!!!"

Gus rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Where's the thermometer?" Shawn dramatically draped his right arm over his forehead and moaned. "I haven't the slightest clue!" He whined. "Shawn!" Gus growled.

"No dude, I actually don't know." said Shawn. Gus sighed and got up. "I'm gonna look in the bathroom, Drama Queen."

As soon as Gus went into the bathroom, Shawn quickly got up. He slipped into the chair in front of the desk. He grabbed his cellphone and called up Jules. The phone rang for a long time before she finally picked up. "Hello?" Her voice called over the line. He smiled. "Hey Jules." He said. "Shawn!" She replied quickly. "Where have you been!? When I came home, you weren't there!"

"Oh, I-uh..." Shawn began but Jules cut him off before he could finish. "You're on that case, aren't you!?"

Shawn was silent for a while, before replying with a: "Noooo..." "Shawn, why do you sound sick?" Jules continued to pound him with questions. "Look, can you just let me have this one, babe?"

It was unsettling how quiet it got on the other side, but soon enough, there was an answer. "Okay, Shawn, I'll keep Lassiter away for as long as I can, and I won't tell him, either." Shawn let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Jules."

"You're absolutely welcome." She was answered. "SHAWN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Gus' voice was loud and angry, but also sounded a bit worried. Shawn sucked in a sharp breath. "Sorry, Hun, I gotta go." Shawn told Jules.

"Okay, Shawn. I love you." Jules voice sounded happy, and content. "Love you too." He replied. He then hung up the phone, before getting chewed out by Gus.


Shawn sat on the bed, his hands in his head. I fucked up. He thought to himself. And he couldn't help but wonder,

What would have happened, if I had given her Chief's shawl instead?

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