Jack G imagine

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Im starting finally!! sorry if these suck. Im taking a couple requests (like this one) and then I'm gonna write my own. Vote if you like. Comment ideas✌️

This is for @norskiegirl :)
"Get away from me!!" "I don't EVER want to see you again!!!!" Ellie screamed in Jack's face. She stormed out his house into her car. She cries into her hands or 10 minutes until she calms down and she drives home. She rushed inside ignoring her parents worried looks. She flopped onto her bed, her face wet with tears, and cried into her pillow.

~3 Months later~
"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Shawn asked. I bite my lip before talking into the phone.

"Yes. I mean No. I don't know!!"

"Well you need to decide. It would be really fun if you were there. I know your not exactly friends with Jack-" I cut him off

"Exactly?! I hate him!!" I nearly scream into the phone.

"Easy, easy, he's still my friend" He replied.

"Oh yeah..erm sorry" I apologized.

"Its fine. I got to go. Baii" he said.

"Oh alright bye!!" I say. I hang up the call and toss my phone onto my bed.

Should I go to the Magcon tour? I thought for a moment about all the good things that could come of it.

Well I might as well go, I mean, just because Jack's going doesn't mean I should miss hanging out with my friends, right? Right. It will be fun.

I run downstairs to tell my mom that I was going on the tour. She had a worried expression at first, until I explained there would be plenty of people there. She nodded and went back to her cooking, and I went back upstairs to start a bath.

Yay for bath bombs

After my bath, I started to scroll through Instagram.

Woah, 1 million followers. When did that happen? I rarely go on Instagram, so this was interesting. My phone dinged and it was a text message from Matt.

Matt: So are you going to go???? Someone is wanting to know ✌️

Me: Yes I decided to. Who's wanting to know

Matt: Lol yay and its a secret

Me: Fine be that way. Bye!!

Matt and I were like best friends, so we joked about stuff with the weirdest emojis.

-night before tour-
"Do you have everything packed?" My mom asked curiously.

"Yes mom, its not like I'm going to be gone long. I'll be back before you know it" I give her a hug before she leaves. Once she closes the door, I collapse onto my bed and fall asleep.

When I wake up, its still dark outside. I moan as I roll onto the floor and stretch. I take a quick shower and put my brown hair into a braid. After a slow 45 minutes, I am all ready to go. I tiptoe down the stairs and into my car. I drive to the airport and I'm immediately greeted by Cam and Shawn.

"Hey guys!!" I squeel. I feel super giddy for some reason.

"Uh, hey.." Cam hesitates.
"...hi..." Shawn continued.

"Uhm, is something wrong ?" I asked.

"Uh....erm.... Yes. We got our tickets and..." Shawn started before he was cut off by Cam.

"You can just see for yourself..." He handed me my ticket, and I saw my seat number.

"So..? Whats wrong with seat number 126?" I asked puzzled.

"Uhm....." Shawn mumbled.

"Lets just get onto the plane!" Suggested Cam. We nodded and boarded the plane. We greeted all the boys (except I didn't greet Jack) and took our seats. Jack sat down, and I realized why Shawn and Cam were being so awkward about it.

I had to sit by him. Ugh!! This was worse than I thought. Maybe I'll just sleep the whole time.

And I did.
The boys met with a bunch of fans and took some pictures. Some fans gave me glares, but I don't blame them. I mean, the boys are my best friends. Its a paradise.

After what seemed like FOREVER, the boys were finally done for the first day, so we headed out to the car and we went to the hotel we were staying in. (I get my own room because I'm a girl) and once we got to our rooms and unpacked, we all met up in Nash's and Cam's room.

"Soooo... What do you guys wanna do ?" Jack J asked breaking the silence.

"Lets play Truth or Dare!" Nash suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement and then Aaron piped up "I'll go first!!!"
We played for a while, laughing our heads off, until it finally got to me.

"Okay; Truth or Dare" Carter asked.

"Hmmm-I'll go with dare" I said with a smirk.

He thought for moment before he got an idea.

"Ellie, I dare you to straighten things out between you and Jack" he continued "and you guys have to be alone" he finished.

"Um CHICKEN!!!" I yelled.

"Nope, you have no more chickens." Laughed Nash.

"Ugh" crap. This is NOT good. I moaned and got up, motioning for Jack to follow me. He is still so much taller than me, which gives me a disadvantage if things get bad. We get to my room and I plop on the bed patting next to me for him to sit.

"Look Ellie, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you at all." He started.

"Please. I know you did. You've played with many girls before and I know I'm just another one. I get it. Im not good enough for you-" he cut me off

"I NEVER said that. I loved you Ellie, and I still do.."

"LOVED ME?? SURE THATS WHY YOU HOOKED UP WITH THAT SOPHMORE!!! I SAW YOU KISS HER IM NOT STUPID!!! GOD I KNEW THIS WAS GONNA HAPPEN!! UGH!!" I stormed off and he was left speechless again. My phone went off a couple minutes later and I check it right away.

Jack:Look, I kissed her for a school play. I never liked her!! I only like you, Ellie. If you're not ready for a relationship, then can't we at least be friends. Please?!

I stopped walking and stood there reading the text over and over.

Was I too harsh on him? Oh God, I was. I rushed back to my room, hoping he's there, and he sure was.

"Um, Jack? I'm sososososo sorry!! I didn't realize-I-I-I just assumed that you were over me!! I forgive you, but.... I'm not ready to be with you again." I gush out.

"Oh, okay" he got up and hugged me. We went back in and didn't ignore each other.
After a year, Jack and I became friends again. We became very close, and I learn everything about what happened when we didn't talk.

"So, uh, Jack, I was wondering if maybe sometime you might wanna-" He cut me off

"Are you going to ask me on a date? Because if you are, then for sure" he chuckled.

"Well okay....Friday?"


A/N lol this sucked sorry. Still hope you liked it :)

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