The boys when your sad

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Nash~ Will try to make you laugh but realize its a serious situation and will give you a giant bear hug.

Cam~will give you lots of hugs and rub your back telling you it'll get better.

Shawn~will start to get emotional like you and sing you a song that will try to make you feel better

Jack G~will make you cuddle with him and hold you close and tell you you'll be fine

Jack J~will take you out for food and talk it out with you and squeeze your hand every once in a while

Matt~will make a few jokes knowing the situation and make you giggle and tickle you and then cuddle with you

Aaron~will keep hugging you and mumbling into your hair that it'll all be better

Carter~would offer you some food and Netflix and you guys would cuddle while eating and watching tv

Taylor~would Kiss you until you said you felt better, and he'd hold you close

A/N~ lol is this even good?

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