Gaara of the sand

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It was late at night and the desert winds were howling around you. Your body felt heavy and you had some small cuts and bruises, but nothing serious. Finally finishing the mission assigned from Tsunade you returned to Sunagakure. You were planning on resting up for the night before heading home to Konoha.

You checked in at one of the inns. You didn't have much luggage but you changed clothes and rinsed your wounds and then your weapons. You proceeded to tuck yourself to bed.


It was still dark outside... You had just been napping since your head hit the pillow. Not managing to sleep you rise and head to the balcony and slide open the door. Closing it behind you, you take in the Beaty of nighttime Sunagakure. The lights painted the dark like small stars in the sky. Wanting to get a better view you leaped up on the railing. Then proceeded to make a swift jump to the roof.

Feet planted firmly on the shady concrete. As you looked around for a nice viewing spot a figure met you eye. What is someone doing here in the middle of night? Could it be that they are having trouble sleeping to?

You started to approach the figure. You took light steps towards it. As you got closer you found yourself surrounded by by a wall of... sand? The sand closed in and restrained you. Your heartbeat went up as you tried to get free. The figure revealed itself.

"Who are you?" A stern voice asked.

You came face to face with a boy. He looked to be around your age. Fiery red heir was the first thing catching your eye. Light blue ocean eyes outlined by thick dark lines. He was carrying a giant gourd on his back.


You knew this one... Gaara... You'd seen him at the chunin exams when they were held at the leaf. Gaara of the sand. He was the jinchuriki of Shukaku the onetail. That was a couple of years back, he was older now..

You felt the sand tightening around you.

"My name is Y/n a shinobi of from Konoha"

He studied you letting his eyes gaze over your features.

"Where is your headband?"

Damn, how smart of me leaving headband and weapon in the room.

"Right below us sir, you see I'm staying at the inn here. I couldn't sleep so I went up here instead therefore not bringing anything, I can go get it if you need proof."

"That won't be needed"

You raised an eyebrow.

"I recognize you"

"Oh, uh from where? That's nice.. Think you can release me?"

Wordlessly you could feel the sand surrounding you withering away and returning to the gourd.

"At the chunin exams"

"I see... I recognize you from back then too Gaara, what are you doing here?"

"Like in Shigakure? The village hidden in the sand? My village? Shouldn't I be the one to ask you that?"

"What no, not like that. I meant what ere you doing here in the middle of the night"

"Makes more sense, well same reason as you. Because of Shukaku I can't sleep, so I often come here at nights seeing as this is one of the tallest buildings"

Funny, yet another thing in common.

"Mind If I take a seat?"

You gestured to the spot next to him. Receiving a nod you sat down. You stayed and chatted awhile. Gaara wasn't exactly one for small talk, but he didn't mind talking to you. It was nice finding someone who wasn't scared to approach him.

You had been very quiet now. He peeled over finding you asleep. He sighed to himself
"how naive falling asleep next to a stranger and sneaking up on them, and without a weapon nonetheless"

You would get cold if he let you lay here. He decided to pick you up and bring you back to your room.

Your eyes fluttered a bit as you felt sand gently picking you up this time. You weren't awake for long, but you were long enough to feel yourself being guided through the air, in to you room and down on your bed...

𝒜𝓃𝒾𝓂𝑒 + 𝓇𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑜𝓂 = 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒷𝑜𝑜𝓀Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon