part 1: meeting him

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I was in my room when I heard Phillips yell "Y/n let's go!!!". I didn't want to leave my bed it was so comfy but eventually I got up and went downstairs. Phillips was waiting for me at the front door. "Why do we always have wake up at 6 in the morning just to go practice? Why couldn't it be at least until 8 a.m?" I groaned. "We've talked about this before. We need to practice with all the time we have so next time when we see Benny and his annoying little friends we can beat them in a game." Phillips said. "I don't know why you hate him so much." I said. "Well you've never met him so you wouldn't understand. Now let's go." He said walking out the door. I followed being him.

---Time skip---

After practice I wanted to go to the store to buy a drink. So I told Phillips that I was going to go to the store and that if he wanted anything. He said no so I started walking to Vincent's drug store all by myself. I never really had any friends except for my brother and his friends. I guess you could say I'm not that outgoing. I got to the store and walked in. I went to go get my drink. As I turned around I bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" I said. "Yeah I'm fine" a boy said. As I looked at him I noticed that he had really pretty eyes. I quickly stopped staring at him and went up to the register to pay. I then walked out the store.

I still couldn't get that's boys face out of my head he was so cute.

My thoughts suddenly stopped when I heard someone saying "hey wait up!". I turned around and it was the boy that I bumped into. He caught up to me and said "Hey I never got your name". "Oh umm I'm y/n. What's your name?" I said. "My name's Benny" he said smiling.

As he said his name it sounded so familiar. Then it clicked it was the boy my brother absolutely hated. I looked at him and said "Well I have to get going it's getting pretty late". "Oh yeah  I have to get going too. See ya later y/n!" He yelled as he walked away. "See ya!" I yelled. I turned around and started walking home.

Why did he ask for my name? I thought to myself. He is so cute!! But no I can't like him My brother hates him. Or maybe I can just help him and my brother become friends. If they were friends or at least nice to each other it would help me out. I wouldn't have to wake up super early for practice and I could be friends with Benny without Phillips being mad at me.

After thinking about everything I stopped and realized I was already at my house. Before going inside I looked back and saw Benny going into a house.

After living here for 5 years I never noticed that he lived right across the street from us!! Phillips never told me. He turned around and smiled at me before walking into his house. I smiled back and opened the door and went up to my bedroom.

As I sat in my bed I just couldn't get Benny out of my head. I've never really thought any boys were cute because all the boys at my school were ugly. But Benny was different much different.

It was getting pretty late so I went to sleep

A/n: I hoped y'all enjoyed the first part :) I promise it will get better in these next few chapters! Sorry if takes me a while to post the next part I'm really busy at the moment but I'll try my best to get the next part out :) Also sorry if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes. Don't forget to vote and comment! I would really appreciate it!!

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