part 2: Benny's Pov

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Benny's pov

After practicing at the sandlot, I told the boys that I would see them tomorrow. We all went our separate ways. I started walking home when I realized that my mom had told me she would be working late and that I should buy myself some food. I decided to go to Vincent's drug store to buy myself a pizza and a drink. I walked into the store and started walking towards the back where the drinks are. I saw a girl getting the same drink that I was getting. So, I waited a bit behind her so when she was done I could get my drink. I guess she didn't notice I was there because when she turned around she bumped into me. "I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" she said. I looked up at her and she was so pretty. I could stare at her for days but then I snapped out of it. I said "Yeah I'm fine." I could tell she was staring at me because she stood there for a while looking into my eyes.

She was so pretty.

After standing there for quite a while. She went to go pay and left. I tried to get all my stuff and pay as quickly as I could because I wanted to know what her name is. I started running to catch up to her. "Hey wait up!" I yelled. She turned around. I finally caught up to her and said "Hey I never got your name". "Oh umm I'm y/n. What's your name?" she said. I said "My names Benny" while smiling at her because she was so nice. She stood there staring at me for a second then she said ""Well I have to get going it's getting pretty late". "Oh yeah I have to get going too. See ya later y/n!" I yelled as I walked away. "See ya!" she yelled.

She was so nice and pretty. "I bet she's pretty good at baseball" I said to myself. Hopefully we get to see each other more often. As I continued thinking about her I realized that she looked a bit like Phillips. "No she can't be related to Phillips" I said.

I got to my house and saw y/n going into Phillips house. "What" I said. Does she live their or are they friends. She turned around and looked at me and I smiled at her. She smiled back and went inside the house. I went into the kitchen and started eating. I continued thinking about her it was like I couldn't get her out of my head. After I finished eating I went to bed.


A/n: This is just a little Benny pov so everyone can get a little of what Benny is thinking. The next part will definitely  be better :) Have a great day/night!!! Don't forget to vote and comment! I would love some feedback!

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