Part 3: The meetup

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Y/n pov

I woke up again to Phillips yelling at me to get up. He's like my alarm clock but more annoying. I got out of bed and did my daily routine. Then I got dressed. I walked downstairs but I didn't see Phillips. I started looking around the house but there was no sign of him. I figured that he probably just left without me. I sighed and started walking towards the front door. I got out of the house and started my walk towards the Tigers baseball field. I got there but there was no one there. I started to think of where they might have gone. Then I thought of the sandlot. I've only been to the sandlot once but it was just with Phillips and no one else was there. I left the Tigers field and started walking towards the sandlot. After 10 minutes of walking I finally got there.

"I guess this is my workout for the day" I thought to myself.

I went through the bushes and trees and saw Phillips and his team fighting with all the sandlot boys. Phillips and this other kid were trying to be rude to each other. I got closer to them and finally heard what they were saying.

"Watch it, jerk." the kid said.

"Shut up, idiot!" Phillips said.


"Scab eater!"

"Butt sniffer!"

"Pus licker!"

"Fart smeller!"

"You eat dog crap for breakfast, geek."

"You mix your Wheaties with your mama's toe jam!"

"Yeah!" the sandlot kids yelled.

"You bob for apples in the toilet and you like it." Phillips said

I was starting to get tired of all arguing. I started walking to Phillips when I heard the kid Phillips was arguing with say...

"You play ball like a girl!"

"Hey now that's rude!" I yelled.

Everyone immediately looked at me.

"Why are you guys fighting?" I said.

"Because they think they can beat us in a game" Phillips said.

"Ok and? You and Benny have had a rivalry since the 2nd grade. You guys need to get over it! I'm getting tired of you talking about how much you hate Benny. It's getting old bro." I said looking at Phillips.

Benny looked at me with his eyes wide open. I ignored it. But I could see the anger starting to fill Phillips.

"What the f*ck y/n! Are you on Benny's side now?!" Phillips yelled at me.

"Screw you Phillips! I didn't even do anything to you and now I'm on nobody's side!

I was shocked. Phillips has never yelled at me like that. I could feel my tears start coming. But before I could start bawling my eyes out I started walking away.

As you can tell I can not deal with people screaming at me especially my own brother. It hurts me.

I was already across the street from the sandlot when I heard a familiar voice yell my name...


A/n: Hey guys author here! I hope you guys enjoyed this part :) I'm sorry I haven't been active recently. But I promise I will try to start posting daily. I hope y'all are enjoying my story so far :))) Don't forget to comment and vote!! I would really appreciate some feedback. Have a nice day/night!!

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