books, my escape

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These pages come alive,
so I live in them.
I get to meet the different characters,
I even made friends with some.

I've had so many adventures in Narnia,
I never thought that I'd discover an entire new world in my wardrobe.
A cold, snowy world.

I met Juliet, she told me everything about Romeo.
Oh, how I wish for a love like theirs.
(Without the fighting families, of course.)

I got to see Dorian's portrait,
he was indeed a handsome man.
Met Lord Henry, he told me that I'm beautiful.
Too bad Basil couldn't paint a portrait of me.

Books, books, books.
Who knew that travelling to other places could be so easy?
There's some hidden magic in reading.

I wanted to create my own world too,
so I took a pen.
I began writing...

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