1: Farewell

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My heart

My brother

My sister

You were only seventeen.

Your eyes were filled with excitement, you wouldn't stop talking. Your eyes glittered and shone when you spoke, and you acknowledged nobody around you.

 I liked watching that, how you smiled with all your teeth, sang along to your favorite music. I would miss that when you went to Jeju, I want to see you like that all the time.

You acted just like an eighth-grader (year 7) and you unpacked and packed your items all over again, it was like watching a hyperactive toddler who was excited to meet its friends.

 Your mother caught you sneaking sweets and unnecessary things, in and out of your bag, but couldn't scold you because your beautiful smile, as I said, made everyone feel weak.

You called your friends every day, laughed loudly even though it was 3 am in the night. You would talk faster than a chipmunk and your voice would become squeaky with joy. 

Everyone loved you for who you were, for what you were, and your beautiful persona. I can believe it is not just me who treasured all these things. It was everyone who knew you, as a friend, as a brother or sister, as a daughter or son, like a niece or nephew, as a granddaughter or grandson.

And all the others who you appear in their thoughts, unforcedly.

Once you leave Incheon, I will miss you until you come back home.


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