2: Departed

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My life

My soul

My best buddy

You were only seventeen.

When we were leaving, you said that you wanted me with you, you spoke with your sweet words and took me, cradling me in your arms. I wanted you to stop, to avoid humiliation within your class. But you didn't care, I was yours and you were mine.

When you got all of your belongings, and you hoisted your bag onto your back and flashed a smile before walking out of the door, your head was high and you didn't bother to look down.

Joy had overcome you and me, as we walked, hand in hand out to the docks, where your classmates from Dawon High were standing. Your mother gave you many kisses and your dad hugged you tight, I think I saw him cry a little as his seventeen-year-old daughter, strode to the dock to see her friends.

You were smiling like the sun again, your teeth were sparkling and you were full of joy, I hoped that we would never part and I could keep seeing your beautiful smile. When the teachers saw you, they smiled and ticked your attendance box, letting them know that they had everyone who was coming on board. 

Your mother and father waved at you, as you boarded the ship. 'Sewol' was written on the side, and our hearts were thrumming like drums in excitement.

I thought we were going to have the time of our lives, as we set off from Incheon, to reach our destined Jeju island.

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