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Next day after last chapter in Lincolns room 11:00

Lincolns POV

So today is the day.I dont know if Im ready for it.Telling my closest friends and these guys what happend to me.What my so called f-family did to me.They could help me but how?Relax Lincoln you can do it.You CAN do it.

End of Lincolns POV

Oliver:*opens the door*Everything OK?
Lincoln:Yeah Im ready.
Oliver:*sigh*Look Lincoln if you d-
Lincoln:No I need to tell you all what happend.
Oliver:Alright then.Now go to living room so we can plan this thing out.

Then both of them went to living room where Max awaited them

Max:So ready?
Max:Mr. President you tell me where your friends are and we can pick em.
Lincoln:Can I go with you?
Max:Sure.Hey Jack can you set food for guests?
Jack:Sure bud.
Max:Good lets go.

Both of them entered the car and Lincoln showed him the way to Clydes house

In front of Clydes house

Max:So here we are you go get your buddy.

Lincoln then exited the car and knocked on the door

Clyde:*opens door*Hey Lincoln.Glad you arrived also guess who are here too.
Lian:Hi Linc.
Lincoln:Hey guys.Now quickly enter the car.

Then they all entered the car and Max greeted them

Max:Good day gentlemen.Names Maximilian but you can call me Max for short.

Lincolns friends introduced themselfs to Max

Max:Lets go then .*starts car*
Lincoln:Hey guys did have any of you had lunch my friend made some.
Rusty:No hope your friend is good cook.
Lincoln:He is good trust me.No-guys get down.*hides*
Lincolns friends:*hide*
Max:What?*notices blue van with white lines passing by very fast*
Max:The van passed you can get up now.

Then Lincoln and his friends got up

Lincoln:Whew that was close.
Max:You recognize that van?
Lincoln:Yeah I will tell you later.

Max drove them to his house and they all entered he house and introduced themselfs with rest

Jack:Lunch is in kitchen.
Rusty:Thank you.*goes to kitchen*

After lunch they all gathered in living room and Erik turned off TV and they all sat down

Lincoln:*takes deep breath*
Max:*pats him on his left shoulder*You can do this kid.
Lincoln:*nods*So everyone ready to hear the story?
Clyde:Im aware that I will hear something that I will not like but I need to know.
Zach:You can do it Linc.
Lian:We got you pal.
Rusty:Tell us everything.
Lincoln:Alright then.Please dont interrupt me.

Lincoln:So my sisters,I mean "sisters" would call me to go on their events with them.I never wanted to go there but I went because they are my sisters.I cant say no to them.Anyways once I decided to say no but it was to Lynn.We saw her yesterday.Anyways she threatend me with a bat if I dont come and I came up with a idea.I would call myself bad luck when something bad happend.It all went pretty well until...I was not allowed to go to cinema with them.*snif*Then they locked me out of my room and then out of house!Sorry for being loud.Ahem.So I got a plan to go to Lynns game and hide so I can prove that Im not bad luck.I wore squirrel costume.I throught it was over however it was just beggining.When we went to the lake I had to wear squirrel costume.I nearly fainted multiple times but I continued because they ar-were my family...and then abuse started...I would be beaten if anything went wrong.Power outrage,Lynn losing a game,bad weather,etc.Only two no wait three sisters didnt abuse me.Luna and Leni didnt screatched me until they eventualy started abusing me.Then we have Lisa.She never attacked me neither made fun of me she just kept analysing something I dont know what,however she had look of dissapointment but it was not aimed at me at least I think so.I also have baby sister Lily so she doesnt count.So before Oliver saved me I decided to take out squirel suit so I can breathe for second but I was barley fed and I was weak.For school Lola spreaded rumors about me and I told my friends to stop hanging out with me since they would be targeted like me.
And thats my story.

Clyde:*cries*My friend you did that for us.
Lincoln:*nods while also having tear in eyes*

Then Lincoln and his friends group hugged.This was big and maybe too much for them

Operators on the other hand had different reactions:Jack was shocked, he could not understand how someone can do that to their own child,Alex was impressed by Lincolns loyalty to his family even throught they abused him and he still hoped they would stop that madness and his loyalty towards his friends also impressed him "his so called family doesnt deserve him" he throught,Erik was always emotional person,he always wanted to look at brighter side.He felt bad for Lincoln and he also joined the group hug while in tears,Tom was mad at his parents for not stepping up for him,Oliver had complicated reaction:he felt really bad at him but at the same time Lincoln started bad luck fiasco but that only showed his familys true colors.And finally Max.He was PISSED not mad or angry but PISSED at his family.He even punched wall in rage,thus leaving small hole which got everyones attention

Oliver:No need to be violent mate.
Max:*sighs*Sorry I just ovetreacted.
Alex:I know you well brother, that was your reaction not overreaction.
Tom:Look mate Im aware that we are in bugged situation but please calm down.
Max:How am I suppose to calm down?!We got child abusers living free,they should be in jail!
Erik:This is not time neither situation for you to be angry it wont solve anything my freund.
Max:You are right.*facepalms*Damn you Max...sorry all I got mad just mad.
Lincoln:Max have you been like me?
Max:Care to explain?
Lincoln:You know abused?
Max:Absolutly not!My old man was Vietnam vet and mother was a nurse.Both of them have given me,my sister and my brother a wonderful childhood.I have know them for too long they would NEVER attack us.
Lincoln:Oh t-then sorry for offending you.
Max:Relax kid you didnt.You see my younger brother works at child protection services and sometimes we talk about our jobs and we mention bad things.He told me about kids being abused,ignored,used for money it bugs me how could someone do that to an innocent child.
Oliver:That sound understandable.
Max:So will we call CPS on them or use another tactic?
Tom:We need evidence mate and I know just how to get it.But we will solve that later

After that Lincoln and his friends played videogames until they had to leave

Still in Maxs house,in Lincolns room,16:45

Tom:Here it is *brings his drone*aint she a beauty.
Lincoln:Wow so cool!
Max:So whats the plan?
Tom:This drone is very silent,we can use it to spy on Lincs ahem "family" and we can gather evidence for police or maybe discover something more.
Lincoln:Wait isnt that illegal?
Tom:Maybe,maybe not?Drone is black color anyways so its hard to notice in the dark and besides what they commited is far more illegal than spying on some random people.
Max:Where did you get it?
Tom:On internet.I used it to pull out antics.Heh good ol times.
Max:So when we strike?
Tom:Somewhere from nine(21:00) to ten(22:00).
Lincoln:And what about-.
Erik:*shouts:Everyone you need to see this.Schnell!*

Everyone arrives in living room

Erik:Look at ze news!

Meanwhile on TV

Reporter:Breaking news!Local 11 yrd old Lincoln Loud has dissapeard.Family notified authoroties that their boy disappeard after argument with his sisters.Katherine Mulligan is on the field.

In front of Loud House

Katherine:Here is Katherine Mulligan reporting.11 yrd old Lincoln Loud disappeard from his house week ago report his parents.Now we will interview some of house members.

She interviewed parents first.Both of them were sad and were begging Lincoln to return,next was Luna who blames herself and sisters for his disappearance she also asked Lincoln to return and lastly Lola was interviewed.She was (fake)crying during entire interview and begged Lincoln to return.

Katherine:This was Katherine Mulligan for News.*camera cuts out*

Back at Maxs house

Oliver:They are clearly faking it.
Jack:*puts hand on Lincolns shoulder*Its ok bud you got us.
Lincoln:So they are a-acting?I need a moment.*goes to his room*
Oliver:*goes with him to comfort him*
Tom:I feel bad for young chap.He didnt deserve any of this.
Max:They are cowards.What if Oliver didnt saw him that night?Poor kid would probably fall for their trick.
Max:Get your drone for test run soon we will find out some things.
Tom:*chukles*Im going to enjoy this.

End of this chapter

A/N:Hope you enjoyed this chapter see you in next one!Bye!

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