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TW⚠️ clowns, murder, talks about nudity(?), sex(?), cheating, cat calling, attempted SA

Hope you are enjoying this book lmao since the characters practically comes from mental breakdowns I had lmao 😩

🕒 June 13th, 3:00 am 🕒

My eyes shot open like I had a priority in this pathetically long life..
I'm a clown what do I really need to do in my life. I check my phone realizing it was the date of my late dads trial, well shit now I can't do my daily routine it's my dads "birthday" I guess the world won't have to feel my fucking anger just this once.

It angers me even more..

Oh who cares I look at the time
3 AM?!

Who gives a shit maybe I could watch something on the TV while I fucking wait for time to pass, I get up looking myself up and down in the mirror.
I look fucking hot though I may have a dick but that doesn't matter does it now?
I grab a bra and a shirt along with shorts
Walking down the stairs of the apartment grabbing the TV remote while passing the coffee table
I sit down on the couch, turning on the TV, casually flicking through the channels and I found a new station talking about crime, man didn't know they still had these around...

"We have found another body in a alleyway near a apartment complex the body looked to be about 59, and has multiple stab wounds along with a harsh marks from choking, there were no murder weapons that we could find.."
Ah so they found the body how smart at least I know not every single cop is a dumbass.

Either way this is so damn boring why the hell am I watching this? I could be watching a comedy or something!
I continue skimming through the channels and until I hit a stand up comedy act, my favorite.

🕒 About 2 hours later 🕒

I check the time seeing it's now 5:02
I get up just getting ready like I usually do
And while all that all I can hear is the moaning of two men I was so close to shooting myself
Why are the walls so damn thin it's uncomfortable to hear the moaning of people having sex especially if it's early in the morning like aren't they like tired?
I roll my eyes and thinking I could just suck it up I hear a women voice scream.
"WHAT THE HELL?! YOUR CHEATING ON ME WITH- WITH HIM?!" I almost bursted out laughing. Man sometimes I love having thin walls! I get whole comedy acts right in front of me! Even funnier then killing married couples while their having sex.

I grab a small purse that's big enough to fit make-up, pepper spray, a wallet, phone, some lose change, a lighter, a nail filer, and my good ol' trusty knife.

I start waking to my workplace or what idiots call it a circus.

Like no bitch it's a workplace!

Why the hell are people staring is it because they never see clowns, or have they just not looked in a mirror their entire fucking life?

"Hey sugar pie~ why don't you come to my place and we can have more then just a little chat~" some dude winked while walking next to me he obviously doesn't see the problem with trying to flirt with murderer but ohhh well.

"And what would a solid -2/10 want from me a 10/10?" I clench my bag grabbing the pepper spray but waiting for the perfect time to spray this most likely sex offender. "Oh cooome on we both know your playing hard to get~" his attempts of trying to grab my chin were stopped by me spraying the pepper spray in his eyes, running off, flicking him off while shoving the pepper spray in my bag, about to burst out laughing.

Even if he wanted to have sex he couldn't because I don't have the "parts" he's looking for I'd probably be the one doing the fucking because of his good for nothing, unprofessional, ugly ass, sack of shit for brains ass self.

I finally arrive at the- wait I probably never told you the name of this place oh well you'll learn one day HAHA-




"And what happened next?" The therapist asked.
"What do you mean the day just went like normal it's not like anything special happened I didn't jump off a plane or something... and either way this is ridiculous why are you even trying to help me?! Just execute me already I'm already stuck in here." I exclaimed "JJ we're going to need you to at least tell us what happened after you finished your day..." he said writing something on his clipboard.

"Well a new-" I was cut off by the therapist "Well would look at the time we probably won't have enough time for the rest, why don't you hold the thought for next time?"

"But-" "come on or do we need to force you back like the first time?" The officer put my hands back in the cuffs "Fine then god damn-"

Yea so sorry for the short chapter this time a lot has been happening I have two new books that will come out after this one is 100% finished

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