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Y/ns pov

I woke up to see I was rapped tightly in shuri's arms. I looked up and saw that she was still asleep. Never I have I felt so comfortable and safe in my life.

I smiled studying her peaceful face. When I saw she was starting to wake up I looked away. "Morning" she said.

"Hi" I said she let me go and I got up. I looked at my self in the mirror and sighed the scar across my eye looked horrible.

"I like it. The scar. I think it makes you look badass" she said and I smiled.

"No one has ever said that before about my scar normally they would look at me wired or think I was evil it something" I sighed.

"Who cares what other people think, I think it looks cool and you should be ashamed it a symbol telling the world you are a survivor and that you survived" she said.

I looked at her and smiled. "I never really thought about it like that before every time I saw it I thought of the mission and how I failed" I said.

"You didnt though cause your not dead" she said. I smiled but it soon faded when shuri's bracelet beeped.

"We need you in the throne room now its urgent" it said. I looked at her, she sighed looking at me.

"I need to go but I promise I will be back soon" she said running out my room and down the hallway. I sighed sitting on my bed.

There was a knock on my door "come in" I said the door opened and when I saw who it was I sighed. "Bucky" I smiled jumping to my feet and giving him a hug.

"Are you ok" he asked, I nodded pulling away and sitting back down on my bed. Bucky sighed and sat down next to me.

"I had a nightmare last night, and shuri came and laid with me in bed and I fell asleep in her arms and didn't have any more nightmares" I said. Bucky grinned pulling me in for another hug.

"I'm glad, I have a strange feeling like we can trust her, she's been so nice to us" bucky said.

Shuri's pov

I walked into the throne room to see my brother sat on his throne with the council sat around him. "I need to talk to you all, I have been speaking to people and I having been getting word that someone has been selling Vibranium to the outside world" he said. There were many gasps and whispers around the room.

Time skip

I zoned out for the rest of the meeting it was all pretty boring anyways. I stood up and started to walk out. "Shuri I wanted to ask how you were coming along with the Barnes siblings" my brother asked.

"Im getting there, last night y/n let my cuddle with her after a nightmare and tell me about a scar this morning, but it's going to take me a while to earn there full trust" I said, he nodded then smiled.

"Good work shuri" he said and I nodded. I walked down the hallway to y/ns room to find she wasn't there.

"Oh no" I said then I ran to Bucky's room but he wasn't there either. "Where did they go" I asked my self. I ran around the palace until I saw them in the gardens. I let out a small breath then walked out side.

I walked over to them and saw that they was watching the fish in the ponds. "Hey guys" I said, they both jumped and got into fight stances. "Hey, hey, hey, I'm not going to hurt you, I was just looking for the both of you" I said.

They both took a deep breath then turned back to the fish the wired thing was they was both in tune with each other. "Please don't do that to us again shuri it scares us" bucky said.

"I'm sorry" I said standing next to y/n. She looked at me and gave me a half smile. "Are you two twin or is one older" I asked.

"I'm older then y/n she's about 3 years younger then me" bucky said then I nodded it kind of made sense he is really protective of y/n.

"You have a really nice garden" y/n said. I smiled and looked at the fruit trees and the pond and the old swing, me and my brother used to play on when we was little.

"Yeah I guess it is. It's so easy to take granted of though especially when you see if every day" I said.

"I think its beautiful my favorite part is the fish there just so unusual creatures" y/n said looking at them in awe.

"I guess they are" I said looking at y/ns face. She was like a small child eating chocolate for the first time. It was kind of cute.

"Have you never seen fish before" I asked. She shook her head and I looked at her shocked.

"Well maybe I can take you to an aquarium" I said and she looked at me confused. "It a place full of marine life like fish" I said

"That would be wonderful" she grinned. That was the first time I was y/ns eyes sparkle and I loved it.

"I think she starting to trust you but don't you ever break that trust cause if you do your dealing with me" bucky said and I nodded.

"I completely understand" I said he nodded and grabbed his metal arm around y/ns muscly shoulders.

Shuri x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora