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Y/ns pov

I was sat on my bed looking at the ceiling, I haven't seen bucky in almost a day and now I'm getting worried. I'm used to see him everyday.

There was a knock at my door and I sighed I hoped it was bucky. I walked over and opened it to see shuri. "Shuri, it's good to see you again" I smiled opening the door.

"Hey, y/n I was just talking to you brother and he told me to come and check on you" she said and I smiled.

"How is he" I asked she looked at me then at the floor which made me nervous.

"He's ok but I have been working on him trying to get the words out his head and I think I'm nearly there he wanted to go first" she said, I smiled giving her a small nod.

"I'm so used to see him everyday but I haven't seen him in over a day, please can you take me to him" I asked. She gave me a small smile and nodded.

"Yeah he's this way" she said. We left my room and walked down the hallways following shuri to her lab. "He's in there" she said standing infront of a computer.

I took a deep breath and walked into the room to see bucky laid on some kind of bed things. I let out a small sigh and walked over stroking his hair. He eyes began to open and I smiled.

"Hey sis, didn't think to see you in the morning" he said and I let out a small laugh. He smiled and touched my cheek.

"I missed you" I said. He smiled then sat up and giving me a hug. I just smiled and hugged back. Me and bucky have always been close even when we was kids.

"He is going to get better the both of you are" shuri said and I smiled letting go of bucky then walking over to her.

"And we can't thank you enough when hydra took us in we thought we would never be free" I said she smiled giving me a small hug.

The doors slammed open making me jump a little and stepping back. Bucky got up and put a protective arm around me.."shuri its hydra they know about us and there planning to break in to get them back" the king said.

I looked at bucky and he held me there was nothing more he could do and I knew that.

Bucky's pov

Y/n looked up at me with fear in her eyes and I couldn't do anything to help her but if hydra do get into Wakanda I'm not letting them though her.

"You two go back to y/ns room I made it one of the most protected rooms in the castle and when it's safe we will come for you" shuri said. I nodded leading y/n back to her room.

"Bucky what we going to do we can't just let shuri fight them off they did this to us don't you think we should help to" y/n said.

"What if they turn us back into the winter soldier and lady winter" I asked, she sighed and started to pace.

"I would rather have that happen then hide like a coward" she said walking over to her bed and pulling out a box.

It had all her hydra things in it. I shook my head but I knew I couldn't stop her. She grabbed some weapons then left. I sighed grabbing a gun the followed after her.

"Are you sure this is a good idea" I asked running after y/n she sighed and looked at me.

"No but when do I ever have good ideas" she said and I chuckled. Just like when we was kids.

We ran out the castle to see them stood at the barrier trying to break in. "Shit" y/n muttered then ran to join shuri.

"She is going to be the end of me" I said rubbing after her. I hope she knows what's she doing for all our sakes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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