nightmares and flashbacks 💚💛

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Okay i know I'm pan and I needed to expect this but why do I have days where everyone is H O T

anyways my parents are I think getting divorced so don't expect the most frequent updates lol 😗✌

Tw: U!Patton, physical and mental abuse, blood, gore, abandonment issues, Remus, very horrible intrusive thoughts

Totally not venting haha enjoy besties

Word goal: 800

Word count: 1430


Remus sighed laying down in his bed. Today had been the first time he'd seen the light sides since the split and he was so overwhelmed. He was tired. He felt like shit.

Sleep helps everything though...


Remus turned onto his side reaching for his boyfriends warmth, but to his disappointment Janus wasn't there

Must be overworking himself again Remus thought with yet another sigh. He wanted Janus right now. He wanted Janus to hold him and tell him everything was okay...he didn't expect it to happen but he still had that small spark of hope. That spark that he needed right now.

The dirty male felt his eyes start to sting and get heavy, soon falling into a deep sleep.

A sleep he wished he never had.

A sleep that would make him think twice about closing his eyes ever again.


Remus groaned feeling himself being shaken awake. He awoke with a whine "wwwhhaaatt"

"GET UP" came a harsh voice. He felt a hand redden his already hurt cheek.

The Duke sat up and whimperes lightly "ow...Patton what are we doing?"

Patton yanked Remus up by the arm and threw him into a cage covered in barbwire "SHUT. UP."

"M-mhm" he felt tears start to overfill his eyes

'You probably like this huh? You little whore. You probably like this kinky shit. You're such a fucking hoe. He's going to fuck you. You should kill him. He's going to kill you. He's going to r@pe you! He's going to do so many things to you- you little slut-"

Remus was absolutely disgusted with himself and his head "st-stop-"

"SHUT. UP!!!!" he heard Patton roar

Remus whimperes feeling the sharp points start to sleep into his skin. He fought the blood seeping through his clothes but he could do nothing about it.

He didn't know where he was. He didn't know why he was wherever he was. He felt the cage move under him but then tree roots constantly gushing him open didn't bother him. He wanted to get hurt..maybe someone would care then.

Remus was so confused. He was desperate to know where he was. He just wanted some form of comfort

Soon the sides pulled up to a strange place in the forest. When Remus looked out he saw a gate covered by thorns and guarded by snakes.

Remus looked up the the beautiful castle behind the gate smiling softly

'It's beautiful here. It's terrifying. Something is going to pop up and kill you.'

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