I'll help you. 💚💛

7 1 0

abûsive parent
Swearing (?)
Smùt (not in detail at all)
Teeth rotting hurt/comfort
Prinxiety on the side
Sexual references
Drug references (light)


"I'm just fucking tired!" Remus screamed to his mother. "You don't understand. Spend one fucking day in my life and then you dictate whether my feelings are 'valid' or not."

"Well, asshole, you're not the one paying the bills in this house. You go up to the room I pay for using the knife I bought you to cut yourself. You're so ungrateful. You're a cold hearted little boy who needs to get his shit together before mommy THROWS HIM INTO THE FUCKING STREETS!" Remus's mother grabbed the rhinestone covered belt hanging up next to the sink she was washing dishes at, and smacked it hard against her hand.

Remus's eyes widened in horror as he ran up the stairs, trying his best not to look back at his mother running full speed at him.

He just made it to his room, shoving his dresser in front of the door. Remus's mother had removed the lock last week, but it didn't stop him.

The loud banding against the door startled Remus, but he shoved his belongings into a duffel bag as fast as physically possible, repeating, "shit shit shit" as he slung the bag over his shoulder. "Fuck," he repeated once more, grabbing his phone charger and headphones, flying out of the window and shutting it just as his mother got through the door.

Remus quickly plugged in his headphones, blasting The Smiths as loud as possible. He didn't know exactly where he was going, but he hoped it worked out.

Soon, after about 10 minutes he arrived at a house, it's outside walled covered in a chipped light yellow paint. There were little handprints on the side, presumably from children a long time ago, as they were faded and cracking.

Remus saw an open window next to a tall tree and found his way in. He scooted slowly up the tree and swung like Tarzan into the window.

Inside that room was something Remus never thought he'd see. His little brother, Roman was making out with his boyfriend's little brother, Virgil.

"How far is his tongue lodged down your throat," Remus asked, realizing the two didn't even notice he was there.

Roman slowly pulled away from Virgil. "9 inches. His tongue's the size of his gigantic dick you cocksucker."

"Janus's is 10."

"Get the fuck out fag," Virgil demanded, shoving his tongue back down Romans throat.

"Alright fine." Remus walked out and continued down the hall, seeing a sign that said 'snakes xing' at the end of it.

As he pushed gently on the white door he saw Janus in front of a mirror, seamingly checking on one of the people he put a mirror spell on. Small taxidermied rodents with Remus's hair glued on them were lining all the shelves.

"Remus. I was watching you and I saw that your cunt of a mother came at you? Is that correct?" Janus asked, pulling his bright yellowish green eyes away from the mirror.

Remus nodded. "Yup. Bitch came at me with the fucking cowgirl belt and almost broke my ass." He wheezed as he said it, trying to mask the feelings of pain and fear he felt in that moment.

Janus sighed, walking over to his bed. "Change out of that shirt, I can't tell you haven't washed your clothes. Did they cut off the water for your house again, Remus?"

"Oh! Uhm...no! No definitely not. I just- I- uhm you know I am just a fat little rat and forgot I guess! It's a slipknot shirt so it fits its character I guess."

"Remus...come here, love. Let me help you. Let me in, okay? You don't have to keep up such a barrier."

As tempting it was, Remus knew he couldn't let his guard down. He knew that the moment he let down the protective wall he built around himself people would leave. It would be too much to deal with. No one would stay long enough to help him.

"I don't have a barrier. I don't have anything." Remus swallowed down the tears. "I am fine, Janus. Absolutely nothing is wrong with me. Just because I'm a fat little poor kid with a cunt mother and deadbeat druggie dad doesn't mean I'm not happy. You know, yeah , maybe I won't make it into college and I'm going to have a hole in my lungs from the amount of weed I'm smoking, but I don't care."

"Raton. Please do not raise your voice. I beg of you not to. But, love, you need to remember that you're not all alone in this world. I'll always be here. We can help guide each other. You are never alone, and I need you to know that."

Remus nodded. "I respect your boundaries, and I'm sorry. I got kind of heated up and that's no excuse to take it out of you. I just, I want to trust you. I want you to help me. I'm just nervous. No one's ever cared. No one's ever tried to guide me. I can just remember sitting in school, all alone. Just sitting there in silence. All I could do was look around at the other kids talking to their friends and laughing. I never got to have that."

Janus stood up from his bed and held Remus's hand, leading him back to the bed. Janus took off both of their shirts and sat them both against the wall next to his bed. He sat next to Remus and kissed him softly.

"Are you okay with this?" He asked, pulling away for just a second.

"Fuck yes." Remus answered.

Janus held Remus's face as they kissed tenderly. It was truly heart wrenching when Janus felt his cheeks become wet and Remus try to hold his crying noises in.

Remus first initiated tongue, not in an inappropriate way, more like in a gentle entertaining of souls way.

Janus trailed his hand down from Remus's face, to his neck, then slowly down his torso onto his thigh, not stopping even for a moment to take his attention off of Remus's lips.

"I'm alright with it Janus." Remus whispered, soft and breathy.

Janus put some lotion onto his hand and undid Remus's pants, slowly started to stroke him.

Remus pulled away and looked straight into Janus's eyes. His eyebrows turned up and a tear rolled down his cheek. Remus hadn't felt so loved in a long, long time.

"Feel good? Want me to keep going?" Janus asked.

"Yeah.." Remus held Janus's face, his eyes never leaving Janus's, and Janus's eyes never left his. Not until Remus's legs twitched and a soft whine came out of his mouth did any of it stop.

Then, Janus laid back and took care of his problem himself while Remus watched. Not a word was said between the two, as their actions were speaking for them.

Janus picked Remus up, going to the gym just to never have to make Remus sad when he struggled. It had paid off, as Remus buried his head into Janus's chest and continued to sob.

The warm bath water ran, and the two undressed. They lay in the bath, perfectly content. God forbid If they were to die in this moment, it would be okay, as the warm embrace of one another was enough to comfort both...Even in the face of eternal rest.

As they lay Remus finally breaks the silence. "I need to tell you something." There's a nervous tone in his voice, and Janus can sense it.

"What is it, mon ange?" Janus asked curiously.

"I...I want you to know that I appreciate you. I do. I appreciate you a lot." Remus felt the scarred side of Janus's face. "Y'know Janus, I don't know how I got so damn lucky."

"You didn't get lucky, mon bijou. You deserve this."


Word count: 1339 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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