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Ugh! And to think I trusted you! Wow-what a situation I have gotten myself into now. I can't even escape because I now have nowhere to run or hide. You will find me no matter what I do. Oh, oh oh oh oh, don't you dare say you will leave me be. Because I know that is some bull right there. You said you were going to stop. Huh? Does this look like Stopping to you?! Huh?! I am.... Ugh, I am so angry! Hahaha, I am so disappointed in you. I had my suspicions, but I threw them aside because you had gained enough trust. But what even is that anymore? Trust? Agh, even that word leaves a horrible taste in my mouth. You're a monster, you know that! You are! Come lock me up at this point for all I care; it wouldn't be much different from my everyday life anyway. Freedom is something I thought I had well. I guess I should have cherished it more when I actually had it. Because my reality is like a snow globe. I am being held inside. I am constantly being watched and admired. Well, not everyone wants to be put inside a snow globe. So why? WHY DID YOU DO IT TO ME! You promised. You promised you wouldn't. For my own good, my ASS!  ha. Now, look at what you've done. 

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