Solo Change

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S.H- Hey, Abriel, I hope I am not too late getting here since it seems we only have ten mins, but I am not a morning person at all, and it is hard for me to wake up.

AB-That is perfectly fine. I am not a morning person in the slightest either. I mean, would it kill them to make us go even just a tad bit later to school since starting at seven seems like an early time to me. Oh, and I hope you like coffee. I made you some. I work in the school's cafe, so I have access to it. Well, I still donate money unless it's only enough for less than a cup because then you know no one wants to pay for that, so I get it for free. Do you like coffee or caffeine?

S.H-Yeah, I have a monster addiction, if that answers your question. I do like coffee as well, too, so I will definitely take your offer for one.

AB-That sure does because I feel like monsters have more caffeine than most coffees. Since you are new in town as well, if you want to, I know what good local coffee shops we have here, and I can show you some of the other places in town that are the best.

S.H-I will take you up on that offer as well. It will be nice to feel my way around this town anyway since I have been here long enough.

AB-Well I am glad I can be of some help now; let's go in there before it really is too late to have some conversations.

We walked in there, and she started to bond with some of the others. She sat with some of them at lunch, met others in classes, during choir, and much more. We both became significantly close faster than expected. We started hanging out a lot, mainly because we had two classes together. Every morning and afternoon, we would sit together in class along with studying together as well. At times it felt like nothing could separate us. A feeling would linger at times, and for me, it was confusing, but I kept pushing it away. Should I keep pushing it away? At this point, I have no clue, especially since I did not want anything to change. Change is always happening, so there is no escape from it.

S.H-Hey Abriel!

Her hair flying behind her in a high ponytail as she shoved past people. She usually wouldn't do that since it was not in her nature, but I guess it has to be something big.

AB-Hey Sienna, what's up with you?

S.H-Guess what? I bet you can't!

AB-I means I can try to, but it might be easier if you just tell me.

S.H-Have you already forgotten what is coming up soon?

AB-Something big, I am guessing? I don't know, just tell me already since we both have to be somewhere. You know I can not be late for my next class or else I will get detention.

S.H-Yeah, yeah, we don't need any of that now, do we? Ok, the choir concert is coming up?! He just posted the solo singers outside on the bulletin.

AB-And? I bet it is the same couple of people as every time. Kathy always gets the solo lead which makes no sense whatsoever with a voice like hers.

S.H-Hahaha! Yeah, the voice of a dying bird.

AB-Hahaha! Yeah, She thinks she is all that just because her mother is on the board. That is how she always gets a part anyways, even though she can never hit the right notes.

S.H-Well, she didn't get the solo this time!

I stopped right in the middle of the hallway. I couldn't believe what I just heard was true. She had gotten a solo every single time without fail.

AB-Did I just hear that she will not be one of the soloists, or am I just going crazy now.

SH-You's not going crazy; she did not get the solo, and it gets better.

AB-How does this get any better than it already is?!

SH-Remember how the class clapped for Amelia?


SH-Well, the teacher wasn't about to give her that part, but the class heard about it and started a petition. They were booing outside of his office for over an hour until the principal got there!

AB-Are you kidding?!

SH-Nope, I am not. So she got the part, and we finally won't have to deal with a dying bird on live TV!

AB-That will be great considering the first performance you were in.

SH-Yeah, She was terrible to me just because I suggested someone else for the solo.

AB-She will sadly never change. I have tried to be nice to her ever since I came here. I didn't know anyone, and I went to say hi to her. She then proceeded to be horrible to me in front of everyone when I was just trying to be a decent person. People like her I will never understand.

S.H-Yeah, especially since most people around her know what she says about them, so they don't keep her secrets.

AB-Wow. Really?! That is kinda depressing, to be frank.

S.H-Yep it sure is. But she needs to learn that not everyone else around here feels the same because she thinks she is the whole package.

AB-True and speak of the devil look who is harassing Soma while they are holding the door.

S.H-Kathy just needs to back off. It is so nice to get here early to hold it open for everyone before class.

AB-Yeah, but again she is just how she always is.

S.H-Ready to step in.

AB-Yep. Here we go again.   

We walk forwarded getting closer to a galring face right in front of us. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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