Lavender & Motorcycle Oil

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I was grabbing my work stuff and was about to say goodbye, but it seemed like she wanted to say something to me when I turned around. She had a look of confusion and intrigue on her face.

S.H-So, uh, your a model of sorts, is what I am guessing?

AB-Wait, what?! I am just here to help cater for the afternoon. I do help out at the modeling agency sometimes, but that's only as an intern-type like position. Today since it is a shoot closer tonight, I am going to help with the food. I know the owner of the catering company, and I help her when she caters for events. I told her about the agency I intern at, and now it is kind of like a partnership that is going on.

S.H-Oh, well, um, gotcha, it is just that I guessed for some reason when we arrived, I pegged you as the model type of sorts. I mean, you do kind of look like a couple of the models here, and you are also wearing some nice makeup, I guess.

I could sense that she was in a more awkward and embarrassing state after that comment. I do find it funny that she thought I was a model before. My boss has tried a couple of times, but I do not have the confidence, nor do I think I can do as well as the professionals. To be frank, I would have thought she would be a model before thinking I was. I want to ask her if she ever has, but I feel like that might make her even more embarrassed, so I will make that a subject for a later time.

AB-Oh, yeah, one of my friends likes to practice since they want to make it a career. My face, at times, becomes their canvas, and it is fun to see the end result.

S.H-That is really cool!

AB-Do you think so? I can introduce you to them and maybe a couple of others since you are new. Also, you can become another canvas if you want.

S.H-I am not really into makeup that much because I think it feels weird on my face, but I would like to see some of what they do since it is still interesting.

AB-Ok, Great! We can meet up before classes start tomorrow, and I can introduce you. I also hear my name being called, so I should probably head off to work, but I will see you tomorrow.

S.H-Yeah, um, before you head off, here is my number. Since I am fixing your car, it is a crucial thing to have you know. Also, since you might not have a ride in the morning, if you can not find one, I can help if you want.

AB-Thanks, I should have asked earlier for it, but it slipped my mind since that was my first time on a bike like yours. I will see you tomorrow then.

S.H-Yeah, see you then.

As the bike became more distant, I realized how much I had already seemed to connect with her. It was weird to me. I know I have a way at times of connecting fast with people, but this was different. It was more of a peaceful and calming feeling than the other times. I could feel that our friendship was going to be a smooth one right off the bat. To be frank, dear reader, it is a rare feeling, if I must say so myself. For the rest of the evening and night at work, I kept on going back to the calm ride and how it was just so relaxing.

The following day I woke up ready to go to school for once since the excitement had been swirling inside me. Helping make new friendships happen is always a great way to try to make a day. Today was going to be a day like that, just watching new friendships form and hoping to make the new one I had to get even more potent. I caught a ride with one of my neighbors down the street from me. When we pulled up to the school, I rushed in after shooting Sienna a text. I wanted to see her and give a brief description of everyone first, or maybe I was just excited to see her again. My phone pinged with a message stating that she had just entered right behind me. I smelled the hint of lavender and motor oil as I turned around. 

Authors Note: Once there are more characters I will write out a list and a brief description page. 

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