Chapter 2

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Fuyuhiko Kuzyru

A blonde boy, pretty short for his age, was half asleep on the back of the classroom. Black hat was covering his usually mean golden eyes. He was completely ignoring everything and everyone around him, today definitely wasn't his day. He hadn't slept almost at all due of all the work and meetings he had done last night, and now he was already way too pissed.

"Hey Fuy-"

"Shut the fuck up."

He didn't even look who was talking to him, but could tell from the voice it was probably Komaeda, so he felt even less like talking. He would shut up if he told him to anyways.

"Haha!" that maniac laughed happily like nothing happened, "so you don't know where Kazuichi is?"

Why the hell was he still talking? Damn.

"Why would I know?" he murmured and sighed annoyedly, still without even opening his eyes. Souda being late wasn't even a new thing, he had been doing that since the new school year started, god knows what he was doing. Maybe he should be worried, but he honestly felt like that dude told every little thing in his life to him so he would probably know if something was up. Probably.

Basically they were friends. Or that's what that bubblegum bitch called it atleast. Fuyuhiko himself didn't mind it, he didn't mind friends or people in general. And he did not want to give too much thought on it either.

He could feel Nagito turning away from him, thankfully. He changed the positioning of his legs on the table and relaxed back. His mind was full of stuff and he was currently trying to shut it all off. All the news that had lately reached his gang, threats mostly, had been making him pretty worried even if he didn't want to show it. He wouldn't ever show that thought probably. He wasn't, you know that visually emotional guy.

Anyways, he was mostly worried for his family. And himself. And Peko.

Peko was like a sister to him, bestfriend. Yes sure he had a little sister too, and she meant alot to him too but Peko was a little different. They were the only one who knew it all, and they both showed alot respect to echother.

There was alot Fyuhiko wouldn't have noticed about himself if it wasn't for Peko, so he was forever thankful for them of course. They made him realise everything and helped him on the way. Also all the protection could probably never be thanked enough.

As deep as Fuyuhiko was in his thoughts, someone bursting aggressively trought the door defiently shook him back to this world.

"You're late Soda!" Chisa noted to the boy who had just entered the classroom.

"Aww man sorry miss, I promise this won't happen again" Kazuichi's voice ringed in Fuyu's ears. He sounded kinda off. Hadn't he been saying that for three full months anyways? Yeah whatever, he didn't give a shit. It wasn't his problem right now.

He heard Soda's steps walk to the desk next to him, was it really the last one left or was that dude about to talk to him? Fuyuhiko didn't want to know at all and kept quiet.

Nagito was probably having a battle of being able to talk with a Ultimate student without calling himself trash every five seconds, and that was the only reason he kept quiet. Or maybe he sensed that something was off with the shark teeth guy too.

Damn Fuyuhiko had literally no intentions figuring out what it was and hoped deeply that he wouldn't come forward with it anyways. Maybe that dude just lost a bet or something dump like that. Yeah that sounded like Kazuichi.

Then, Fuyuhiko just fell fully asleep. Finally. Well it was more like he passed out, or that was what it felt like. It was all blank in his head. Quiet and dark. Like he was in a room with a blindfold or something.

Wait did someone kidnap him or something?

He flinched back to the classroom that was almost empty, the break had started and apparently Peko had just left him there by himself. Wonder what that was about then.

Oh. There was still this one dude.

Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes to Kazuichi's back. He was facing down on the floor and had his head against his arms so he wouldn't see Fuyu anyways.

He was probably sleeping, no wonder why he was late, seemed like he had been up the whole night. He didn't do alot with that info thought, maybe he had been off way better without knowing.

Fuyuhiko was about to get up and leave Souda there by himself untill he heard the dude sniff like really loud. Was he crying? He stopped and just stood there. Souda? Crying?

It wasn't his business if he was crying or not. Right?

That moment felt like a big chlice honestly. It felt like he had to stay here and comfort Soda that the audience of a romance book would go aww and keep reading. Make the author rich. Or maybe not even so much the author, more like the company they were working under.

Well, he wasn't fucking going to stay. As he got up from his chair he could hear Soda gasp loud as fuck and then almost scream.

"How long were you there dude??" Kazuichi half screamed, with a shaky voice thought.

"I don't know, maybe like the whole fucking class, Sherlock. How did you not notice, i wasn't trying to hide myself or anything." he glanced over to Kazuichi, and for his surprise he could see that really had been crying, not like just abit but alot. His eyes were swollen and...eyeliner all smudged. So he did his eyeliner every damn morning huh? Maybe he was late because of that. Fucking emo.

" Oh haha I didn't really...really think about it too much man" The remnant of the punk subculture said as he was fastly wiping off the tears, and turned away from Fuyuhiko.

"Yea whatever" Fyuhiko said and started speed walking out of the room. He was pretty sure Kazuichi wasn't up for talking and he had to look around for Peko too.

"Hey don't tell anyone I was crying or anything!! I mean even if it was just my allergies still don't!!" he heard the other ones voice, nervously laughing, as he was reaching for the door. Allergies sure. Like the worst excuse ever, that dude really didn't know how to lie. Fyuhiko would be happy to only know that part of the truth.

He just nodded, without turning back at Kazuichi, since was it really even necessary, and he could tell that guy was embarrassed anyways. He would talk to him later if he got the chance.

Fast thankyou rang behind him as he walked out of the door.

A/N anyways nonbinary they/them Peko💪💪 don't fucking tell me how basic this fic has been so far I know okay🙄🙄👊 I just want to write smthing easy🤬🤬

cupid - kuzusouda / Kazuichi x FuyuhikoWhere stories live. Discover now