Chpater 3

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Btw Kazuichi's thoughts are close to mine after this type of experiences, so please remember he's wrong and that your feelings are valid and it's okay to feel like that‼️‼️

Kazuichi Soda

The tears still hadn't stopped streaming down his cheeks. Even if Fuyuhiko just left the room. When that dude was so quiet like that how was he supposed to notice him anyways? What if he now tells everyone he had been crying and everyone thinks he's pathetic or some that isn't like Fuyu at all. They were friends. Atleast so Kazuichi had been thinking so far.

Well it was pretty hard to tell what was going on in that boys head anyways.

But...He isn't- he is nothing close to being pathetic! Everyone in his situation would be a little...freaked out, atleast, right?

Turning the class he had out of nowhere noticed his eyes watering. Inside he didn't yet feel anything much but his body apparently reacted before him. He just...felt disgusting. And uneasy, and restless. Over such a small thing? Maybe he really was pathetic then. He was a guy too after all! Oh damn maybe he was just like way too sensitive. And it wasn't the first time either. He didn't really learn did he?

He should thoughten himself up. Who would want a guy that just cries whatever happens? Yeah nobody. Maybe that's why Miss Sonia didn't like him...he should've realised it way earlier. He didn't know how to fix himself thought. It was hard already. Damn how did he hate himself so much. And now he felt like he was going to die.

Die out of shame and disgust. Was that basically even possible?

Now get your shit together and keep going.

Slowly, he collected his tears and hoped the eyeliner wasn't all over the place. He really should go and fix that in the bathroom.

So The ultimate Mechanic got out of his seat on the fully empty classroom and started walking out slowly. Without knowing where to go and being even too scared to leave the school building.

Fuyuhiko Kuzyru

The school yard was moving fastly under the boy as he was looking for someone.

It was pretty chilly outside since it was getting closer and closer to winter everyday. Altho it really felt like summer just ended. It was pretty weird to see time getting faster and faster as you grew up right? Finally figuring out what people mean by saying how the time slips trought your fingers kinda sucked.

But what can you do, it doesn't help to cry about it either right?

The ultimate Yakuza shook his head by himself raised his other hand out of his pocket to fix his hat.

Fastly he could locate few of his classmates under the three they almost always would hang out anyways.

Chiaki, Sonia, Nagito and Hajime. No Peko thought.

Hajime and Nagito were trying to desperately share a jacket and looked dump as fuck because Nagito's jacket was clearly not big enough for the both of them.
It had been funny to see those two fuckasses grow closer from all the awkwardness that was there when they first met. Mostly because of nagito and his fucking hope boner stuff, so Hajime with no talent was a disappointment or something.
But there those two were, just like lovers. And Fuyuhiko would pick on them about that later as he always does.

"Have you guys seen Peko anywhere?" he yelled, still like ten metres away from them.

All of the four people raised their head from whatever they were doing.

"They went with Mikan...I think" Chiaki said smirking slightly, and Sonia chuckled besides her.

That was a relief.

But they were with Tsumiki huh? Glad they got to bond, since for some reason Pekoyama really seemed to admire Tsumiki's talent and well, her otherwise too. Fuyuhiko would be very happy seeing them finding someone romantically, but still maybe he was kinda overprotective. Peko knew that so well they probably would be ready to take that risk.

"Oh anyways, Fuyuhiko..." Nagito said waving his hand in front of Fuyu's face, "Earth to Fyuhiko?"

"Yea what." The blonde answered while returning his mind back to the world around him.

"You didn't tag Soda with you? I thought you would've came with him" Nagito paused and tilted his head, "You atleast asked what's up with him right?"

"No and no I didn't, he didn't seem like he was up to talking anyways so, I don't know, I just left" Fuyuhiko said shortly and looked back to the ground.

Had he ever seen Kazuichi cry so sincerely? That thought just popped up on his mind. And, he had not, ever really. Him crying over stupid shit looked way different so that's probably why it had scared him and he didn't even ask what's up. Well besides that didn't really match his ego anyways.

"Oh...okay I just thought you would've been the only one to figure out him the best. I mean you are probably the closest with him out of us all" Komaeda said giving a really random smile at the end as he always does. That guy was even harder to figure out than anyone. Good luck for Hinata.

"I guess I can ask him if I see him around"

"Yes please do!" Sonia said coraunge in her voice. She was pretty nice, probably sucks to be stuck with Soda's love or some shit. Whatever.
But how was she still so positive, didn't Soda like freak him out? Well it was none of Fuyuhiko's business.

"Oh wait Fuyuhiko, wanna hang out in the arcade after school?" Hajime asked while having xes other arm around almost purring Nagito, "a bunch of people are coming..and mind asking Kaz too? If he insists on coming just force him"

"Yeah, everyone's kinda worried about him anyways. He seems a whole lot quieter than he did last year." Chiaki noted.

"Uhh sure, I don't probably have anything to do anyways" the blonde answered, declining would've been pretty awkward even if he had a good excuse. He could probably use Sonia as a bait for Kazuichi, if he was able to talk to him anyways.

He'd just go looking for him later.

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