Chapter 4

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Kazuichi Souda

There he stood. Staring at his reflection in the slightly dirty bathroom mirror. He looked tired, and well, pretty terrible. His hair was a mess even though he had been really trying to comb it with is fingers. Atleast the eyeliners were no longer so smudged all over his face. He looked abit more emo thought, maybe he couldn't escape it after all.

As he packed up his eyeliner and makeup remover (that he actually lately bought for situations like this, that had gotten more usual unfortunately) back in his neonpink backpack, that was full of cool pins and keyechains, he heard someone struggle with the bathroom door.

Were they hesitating or had he broken the door somehow? Well he could fix it anyways so no biggie.

Then he brushed in. His cheeks glowing red as hell, probably because it was slightly cold outside. His dusty blonde hair under Michael Jackson type of a hat that made him look like a secret agent ready to attack someone in a fucking second. Eyes wandering fastly trought the room with a kinda cold look. Or maybe it wasn't cold, more like assuring maybe.

Then his eyes met Kazuichi's.

"Dude here you are, the class already started airhead" Fuyuhiko said cutting off the eye contact as fastly as it started.

"No need to get mad, I just had stuff to do okay, man" The pink haired guy said making a random wave with his other hand.

Had Fuyuhiko been worried about him? That'd be really...out of character for him...but, weren't best friends supposed to care for each other if we are being real?

Fuyuhiko would never call him his best friend thought, so maybe he didn't have to worry about that right now.

"Yea sure whatever, but I was looking for you to ask if you wanted to hang out in the arcade with Chaiki and everyone" he said as he looked kinda flushrated and annoyed, so Kazuichi could tell that he had been pretty much forced to do it.

"Uhh I don't really know I-"

"Sonia will be there" Fuyuhiko cut him right off. Everyone knew he liked Sonia, and that Sonia didn't like him back. It took him awhile to get the hint...for some reason...since everyone seemed to already know when he realised.

But lately his feelings for her had just kinda lost meaning. Maybe because it was dump to chase something he would never really get. Nah maybe it wasn't even that, he had been so obsessed with her for no real reason. He felt kinda like he had just been trying to trace the type of high school relationship he had been seeing, which well was really a bad idea. That wasn't even the only reason...there was someone else. And he didn't want to think about it right now. At all.

So what would he answer? Sonia being there didn't really change his mind after all. Would it be suspicious if it didn't? He had avoided everyone alot already, so they possibly could be getting suspicious.

Maybe he'd go. He didn't feel like going back home trought that place any soon anyways.

"Well...I mean I can come...I guess" the pink haired mechanic said, not with much confidence. If he didn't feel like going after school ends he'd just go home without explaining. Who cared if he'd do that anyways.

He started walking of the bathroom since he didn't really have anything more to say, if that was the only thing Fuyuhiko was here to inform him with. He shouldn't be late for another class or soon he'd be expelled or something.

But then the ultimate Yakuza grapped his wrist, making Kazuichi flinch really hard. He shook his arm roughly off and stepped few steps back.

He didn't really even know why he reacted like that. He hadn't had the time to think about it either.

Fyuyuhiko seemed kinda lost and surprised by the way he had acted.

"I didn't mean to- no. Okay. Listen. What the fuck's up with you." the petite blonde boy said and now wouldn't let go of Kazuichi's eyes with his owns.

He looked mad and it kinda scared Kazuichi. Well he was almost always mad but not really like that.

"Nothingggg I just got caught off guard" The ultimate Mechanic replied, trying to desperately play it off as nothing.

"No not just that for fucks sake. You're always late for school, rarely ever hang out with anyone like you used to last year and you act all off. And you look tired as hell"


That was all he answered. He didn't know what else to say. People really had noticed? Did they really care or did they just...pity him.

He didn't really want their pity. He didn't even know what he wanted. Maybe a small part of his brain had been wishing that someone finally asked but he never got ready to answer after all.

"Oh? That's all you're gonna say? For real?" now he was really mad. That dude really didn't seem to be all for controlling feelings then...but he had the right to be mad. Souda was just and asshole for not saying anything and acting selfish as fuck by not thoughtening himself up, "Just talk to me or something. If you insist I will leave you alone but still dude"

"I can't" Kazuichi said, tried to hold himself back from starting to yell or running away, maybe both together, "I can't talk to you. I can't talk to anyone and I'm going to keep it like that okay? You wouldn't fucking get it anyways"

Now the ultimate Yakuza seemed offended. Whatever. Literally whatever. Why did he even care what he thought. Why did he care about anything.

"Well I could even try to get it if you told me what's up, I'm not a physic you know?" he could hear the blondes voice slowly clam down, forcefully thought but maybe he should be thankful that he even tried...for him.

"We...can we talk later. I'll come to the arcade and we can like talk there or something" both of them probably knew that Kazuichi was just trying to get over the Fyuhiko seemed to give up and nodded slowly.

"Let's just go back to class, Chisa will hate us otherwise" the blonde gangster muttered and headed to the bathroom door holding it open for Kazuichi.

So it was a silent agreement for Kazuichi to come forward when he felt like it, hopefully.

A/N I'm so tired I write this shit always at like 1am so I can feel like i did something today😍😍

cupid - kuzusouda / Kazuichi x FuyuhikoWhere stories live. Discover now