I Could End This

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     His huge, balloon head, stuffed with my secret, hit the concrete floor quite harshly, leaving a thudding echo throughout these empty cells.

     I should just kill him right now and end this. This could all be avoided!
    But that would raise suspicion; the servants will start to talk of how I killed and ended a long-term mission when I wanted to keep him alive long enough to fulfill my needs. They'll know something is amiss the very second I stop that miserable being's breathing.

     "Get in here, Scooge." I called in the small man using a button on the front of my new gear that was planted in my chest cavity. The old Pak on my back was too bulky and not as smart as my new one I've created. Smart, smart Zim.

     The pitter-patter of steps neared me and in came the midget from the outside corridor, prancing until he spotted Dib groaning on the floor. He came to a halt before me, distancing himself away as if I were the cause of Dib's misfortune. 

        I am... but let's not get into that.

     "Yes, master?" He asked, Dib in his concerned sights.

      I swayed between Dib and his wondering eyes to cut off his curiosity and to pull his attention to me. Dumb fuck should be doing that unconditionally; he's lucky I already have a mission for him or else his head would roll just for that.

     "Clean him up, feed him, find a room for him, and tell me immediately when he has woken up," I muttered shamefully, eyeing Dib's sleeping face. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would; helping him.

        "Yes, sir. Anything else?" he squeaked obediently, averting his eyes from the mess in front of him.

        An automatic grin flashed on my face from the controll I have on this small Irken. With a wave of my hand and a pat on his short head, I replied a short and simple no.

        Dib's moans of pain reverberated the cage he was locked in and brought me back to this reality of the destruction he could cause. Those groans sounding normal and harmless are coming from my most dangerous threat. His breathing was slow and drained of energy.

     Though, I wish that he just died instead of fall asleep from exhaustion.


        I sat alone in my giant, luxurious room; snuggled comfortably on my bed. I liked my personal time; when I'm not surrounded by annoying nuisances. My thoughts being the only thing to accompany me.

        Why didn't I just kill him? I had the perfect chance! I could end this.

        I don't give a damn if the servants wonder why I killed that scum. Oh, how I couldn't care less! So, why did I make an alibi not to? I hate him. I hate him and his faulted human organs. Killing him would be-- Killing him would be...

       The thought about his death was almost similar to my first murder committed. Almost as if I'd feel a loss...

         "What am I saying? It's not a loss!" I blurted out my mental conversation by default.

         I tilted my head back in laughter, rocking on the bed; simply not caring who hears how loud and maniacal I sound. "I could destroy him in a squeedily spooch beat without any hesitation!" Declared me as I jumped to my feet.

        "It would be as easy as squishing a--"

        Though, during my speech, my chest vibrated and I knew what it meant. Dib has woken up and it's time to make my entrance.

        Heading to my dresser, I counted three drawers down and opened the forth one. Inside were some of my small weapons. They were mostly for protection. The less-ly part is for another story.

        Now armed with a tiny but powerful pistol, I made my way to the humans room; wherever it may be. The halls were filled with my giggles as I strolled through them; oh how good this is going to feel.

    It's time to end this.

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