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George's pov !unedited and not proof-read!

"They found a girl in an alley not too far from here, George. Bite marks were on her NECK. TWO OF THEM!" Sapnap explained frantically. His hands moved with each word he spoke as a way to express the fear that was very evident in his voice. "I know, Sap but they also say it was an animal attack."

Trying to defuse the clearly distressed Sapnap was a much harder task than one would expect. The boy had stopped pacing but the shake never left his hands. "You and I both know it wasn't an animal." I tried to ignore how small he sounded but I couldn't help the way my heart clenched at it. 

Not knowing what to do or how to react I reached out to my best friend in a comforting attempt. His flench was visible, obviously not expecting to be touched after being lost in his own mind. "You're safe, Sapnap. You're okay. I'm here, alright?" 

His hazel-like eyes stared into mine. It was one of the first times I've ever seen him look THIS vulnerable. I tried to mask my emotions or the negative ones at least. He was the one to make the next move, taking control of the situation and allowing me to know what's allowed and what isn't. 

Arms wrapped around my waist and his face rested on my shoulder. To anyone on the street this position may look like we're lovers rather than two best friends, one comforting the other. I didn't comment on that thought, only wrapping my arms around his shoulders in a loose way to let him know he is free to leave the hug but also know I don't mind staying here. 

"Do you think you will talk about it someday, Sap?" He tensed in my arms when the words left my mouth. I almost apologized, thinking I made a mistake but- I didn't because he was quick to reassure me. "I promise, Gogy.. soon." 

And I believed him. Why wouldn't I? He's never been good at sharing his feelings, worrying they'd make him seem weak and vulnerable (which he thinks is bad). Of course, I'll believe him when it comes to the possibility of him opening up. Maybe it's because I, as selfish as it is, want to know why he spends all his nights in my room trembling and scared.. who knows. 

The hug came to an end not too long after it started. It didn't matter though, the point was across and we both knew where it stood. An idea popped into my head, one that may not be that great but I can still try, right?

"Hey Sap, grab a jacket and meet me at the front door in five." The brunette looked both confused and slightly nervous but slowly nodded his head and left to head to his room. It was mid-summer so he may not need the jacket but better safe than sorry. 

A smile fell on my face and it was one of the ones you knew wasn't going away any time soon so you just allow it to stay there even if it may look weird to anyone who doesn't have context behind it. My outfit consisted of a blue hoodie with a smiley face and a pair of grey sweatpants, enough to keep me warm if the night breeze picks up. 

Not even five minutes later my best friend stood before me in a similar outfit to mine. A hoodie with a flame and black sweatpants instead of grey like mine. "Looking good nappitus" I added a wink for extra playful measure. The blush against his cheeks didn't go unnoticed by me and would definitely be used for future teasing. 

The air outside wasn't too cold but wasn't exactly warm either. Without a hoodie we would be cold but with a hoodie we are just perfect, you know? "Where are we going?" Sapnap asked, his voice calmer than earlier but a tremble now making its way to it. 

I silently cursed myself for thinking of taking him out after he had a breakdown over something that happened outside not too far from us. "I figured we'd just walk. Maybe go to the park? Only if you're comfortable!" I hurried to add the last part worrying he would feel forced to go.

"Of course I want to go, dork." He laughed and ruffled my hair in a loving way. I knew it would take a while for him to recover, especially since this has to do with his past but I'm willing to stay with him until then. I will always stay by Sapnaps side- until death do us part.

"Do you feel that?" He whispered, looking around with wide eyes. My eyes followed everywhere his went. My brown ones tracing over every spot his hazel ones missed. I wouldn't deny the uncomfortable feeling in the air, the wind ceasing and the animals deciding to stop making any noise. 

We made eye contact and his hazel ones showed every emotion his face didnt. Fear, Anxiety Worry.. it was all clear. "We're fine, Sap. Let's continue our walk, okay?" he nodded but in an unsure way. 

I tried to fight it, tried to blame it on the fear that Sanap radiated.. but I knew what it was. Yellow eyes stared into my brown ones. They were bright, glowing almost. They belonged to a blonde headed man, his face resembling Sapnaps in a weird way. All it took was one blink for them to be gone and my attention to be back on my best friend.

Authors note; 
yo boyyyss, okay so lately my chapters are very rushed and tbh i'm sorry:/. I start school in two days so i lost motivation to write for a while but i should be back! i hope you enjoy <333

[REWRITING]Blood Stained Converse {DreamNotFound}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang