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I made this cuz why not. And now, I will share a story.

Once upon a time there was a lesbian princess. Then, she met a beautiful non-binary warrior. The lesbian princess and the non-binary warrior became best friends and both were happy. They were best friends until an evil homophobe came. The homophobe did his best to ruin their life, but the princess and non-binary used the power of Gay to stop him. His genderfluid child (who was a knight too) came, and escaped his evil homophobic dad and arrived somewhere safe. Then, the genderfluid, non-binary, and lesbian all found a transphobe. She insisted that none of them were valid, until her kids, a helpful trans woman and a helpful trans son came and used their Trans power to defeat her. The transphobe was gone, and all 5 of them continued on their journey. Pretty soon they met a biphobe. The biphobe had a cousin who was a bi girl (who wrote amazing stories) dating a boy. The boy was pan (and he drew amazing art.) The two of them used all their amazing powers to defeat the biphobe, and then everyone continued exploring. They then found a aphobe, and the aphobe got defeated by the gods, the Aromantics, and the Asexuals. Unfortunately, the evil people gathered an army, but then the entire LGBTQ+ Community came, with help from their Allies, the Straight Allies, and defeated them after lots of hard work. Afterward, they all celebrated how valid and amazing each and every single one of them were, made a kingdom called Land of LGBTQ+, and how their hard work was worth it. And everyone got the help they needed too. Everyone who had mental health issues got help in the way that would make them comfortable and help them, and the people who wanted to transition, got to transition. All the Gays who wanted to get married, got to get married. Everyone was happy in the Land of LGBTQ+. The end.

Not sure what that is, but I think it's gay.

Sorry if I might have offended someone. I didn't mean to.

Have a good day/night or time on an alien planet.

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