Bad Batch Theory

15 1 5

My theory is that in the next episode, the bad batch and crosshair will fight, and Hunter will be captured by crosshair. Then, in the episode after that, the bad batch will try to rescue Hunter, who is being kept on Kamino. Crosshair will get over his chip, and help Hunter escape. Then, something will happen where Omega is taken by Lama Su, who then gets all the stuff he needs from Omega to continue the cloning process. Hunter and Crosshair will find Echo and Wrecker, who went inside the facility. They'll then go looking for omega, but will be stopped by Tarkin, trying to arrest them. Hunter escapes while Wrecker and Echo hold Tarkin off, and Hunter finds Omega. He kills everyone in the room except for Omega, but then Omega is dead.

That probably won't happen, but y'know, I love angst, and I do think Omega will die at the end one way or another 

Have a good day/night or time on an alien planet 

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