
15 1 13

This is a rant/vent, so feel free to skip it

I'm sad. I spend $25 on bracelet materials so I could make bracelets for my friends, and none of them want one. I feel really sad. I've just been making myself a ton of bracelets. Plus, every single time I ask them, only one of them answers me and the rest ignore me. 

This makes me feel awful because every single time one of my friends (we'll call them B) asks if anyone wants a bracelet or a crochet thing, everyone is always like "yes! I want one!"

I feel like if B asked everyone if they wanted a bracelet they'd all want one. It feels like they don't want a bracelet just because I made it. 

Sometimes I just feel like I don't fit in my in-person friend group. They all like cuddling, but I don't like physical contact at all. Plus, they all like to talk about their feelings while I deal with mine alone. They're so clingy, and I feel bad for admitting this, but it bothers me. They're really emotional. They think that since everyone else likes talking about their feelings that I do too, and whenever I vent and actually talk about that stuff, they say "same," "oof," "I'm sorry," or "is there anything I can do to help?" (There's never anything they can do to help)

I just think I don't fit in. 

I think I'm overreacting

Have a good day/night or time on an alien planet 

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