I don't know what to call this

14 1 6

TW for mentions of toxicity and a large rant 

You know what makes me furious? When a perfectly good story is ruined when a ship comes into it. I once spent a lot of time reading a REALLY GOOD story, and then in the second to last chapter or something, luxsoka happened, and I was so mad.

I also get mad when people put in the ships last minute with no warning, not even in an author's note. It makes me very mad. 

I hate it when Ahsoka or anyone else is shipped with an OC. I don't know why, but I always feel like it ruins the whole story

I dislike stories like Ahsoka x Reader stories and stuff like that. I just hate them. They usually have cool plots or something if they have one, and I feel like it's just wasted. This might be because I'm aroace, but I just hate stuff like that.

I honestly just hate it when Ahsoka has a love interest. I think she doesn't need one, she's cool on her own. 

I know a lot of people argue that a story isn't a story without romance, but I hate that. I would love a story without romance. Like, can someone just please make a movie without some weird romance? And if it does have romance in it, please make it gay or something. 

So authors, please stop writing fanfics with a ship in it that comes in unexpectedly. I understand that love helps characters find themselves, but I have found myself perfectly fine without love, and I'm pretty sure characters don't need love to figure themselves out. Spreading the message that people need love to discover themselves is honestly kinda toxic, because it is basically saying that you will never find out more about yourself unless you have a romantic partner. Everything romance related makes me mad, honestly.

The only two ships I am okay with in fanfics, really, are Anidala and Obitine, because they're canon. Some of you may argue that Luxsoka is canon, however Lux treats Ahsoka horribly, and I will never let her be with someone as toxic and horrible as him.

I think that's why I don't write much stuff with romance, because I hate it when this happens, and also, I can disappoint everyone and make everyone happy at the same time.

So please, authors, please just tell us when you add in an unnecessary romance that will make half your readers stop reading.

I have made it my job to be that one author who doesn't write romance in big stories because I need to make all my aroace friends happy, and also my other friends who are sick of this too.

I will not apologize for this, I'm so tired of this happening so much, and it makes me mad. I'm sorry if I offended you, but I'm not taking back anything I just said

Have a good day/night or time on an alien planet 

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